Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of cheering.

"Woohoo! Good job boys!"

I opened my eyes to see BTS smiling and holding a can of beer in each of their hands. I squinted my eyes when I saw the maknae holding the alcohol.

"Jungkook, give it to me," I said, extending my hand in front of him.

"But the MC gave it to me," he whined. I raised my eyebrows at him and he reluctantly handed it to me. Hyunshik stood up and cleared his throat. When all eyes were on him, he began to speak.

"Bangtan boys," he began," you guys know that I love you right?" They all stayed quiet except for Jimin and V who looked at each other and slightly shook their heads. I kicked V's shin, motioning for him to listen.

"I had a," he stopped for a second," fun five months with you guys, but unfortunately I think I have to leave."

Everyone continued to stay silent. J-hope didn't know what to do about the awkwardness so he started to clap. I question his intelligence at times like this. Thankfully my phone rang, disrupting the tension, and I looked at the text that was sent to me.

"Bang PD-nim wants us in his office in 30 minutes," I tell the boys. I looked at Hyunshik and gave him a sympathetic smile. He gave the members a hug and said his final words.

"I hope you guys the best."

We said our goodbyes and walked outside. Immediately, we got bombarded with fans asking for pictures and autographs. BTS politely smiled at them while the security guards made way for us. Once everyone was in the van, I began to speak.

"Des it have to be this way every time we need to get something done?" I asked them. They all fell silent. "I'm not going to scold you guys anymore because I know that your CEO will do plenty of that once you get there."

They nodded and changed the topic.

"Manager hyung's last words were pretty lame, right?" Jimin said.

Jin smacked the back of Jimin's head. "Yah you idiots. He probably wanted to say that you guys make him want to strangle himself every second of the day. Be glad that he was nice enough to leave good words behind."

"No one can handle you kids," Suga said.

"But hyung, you were the one who were sleeping 1 minute before we came on," Jungkook mentioned. They kept bickering back and forth until we arrived at Big Hit building. They walked out nervously and entered the building. We all walked to the main office, but no one dared to knock.

"Namjoon you're the leader, you should knock," Jin whispered.

"But hyung, you're the oldest," he retorted back.

I groaned and pushed through all of them. I knocked on the door and a voice told us to come in. I opened the door, allowing the members to get in before I do. We stood in a line facing Bang Si Hyuk-nim with our hands together and heads down. Not a word was exchanged for two minutes, and my hands started to get clammy. Suddenly, Bang PD-nim slammed his hand of the table, causing all of our heads to jerk up.

"BTS!" He yelled. "How much more are you going to torture me?!" No one dared to speak, scared that they might rile him up even more.

"How many times is this? Six? How are we going to get you a new manager when everyone knows that you're a rowdy and uncontrollable group of boys?" He asks.

"And Daeun," he continues. I tensed up when he mentioned my name. "As their manager, how can you let them run around like that? Do I pay you to sit around until minutes before the performance to gather them up? No. I pay you to manage them."

Oh hell no. Pay me? No other sane manager would take the tiny salary he was paying me to put up with these fools everyday.

"Daeun," he said. No, not me again.

I looked at him, trying to send him a message telepathically. Talk to V, talk to V. He's the one staring at UFOs when we were in a time crunch.

Obviously he didn't get it.

"You know that we can't easily hire a manager anytime soon," he said. I nodded my head in agreement. Every manager out there knows to stay the hell away from this group. "Since that is the fact of the matter, we have a problem. We have no dorm manager. I was thinking that you could be their dorm manager.

Dorm manager? He means living with these boys? Oh, it's not like I don't see them enough everyday, now I want to sleep with them and wake every single one of them up in the morning.

"Sir, I don't think it's a good idea to have scandals going around about BTS living with a woman," I said.

"Daeun, I'll give you a raise. You just have to do this for the time being. Once I find a new manager, you can step down," he said.

I had plenty of questions for him. Does he actually think that someone will voluntarily agree to work for BTS? How long is 'for this time being'? And most importantly, how much is the raise? I looked at him, and he seemed to have read my mind.

"I'll add another 15,000,000 won to your paycheck every year. Is that a deal?"

I had conflicting thoughts. If I agree then I'll have to see them every minute of every day, but I also get more than 1,000,000 won of extra cash every month. I thought about it some more but ultimately, the money was just too tempting.

"Yes, sir. I will, be their new dorm manager."

"Great! You start tomorrow."


So... Chapter 2 was kind of a filler chapter, but I hope that it wasn't too boring. The next chapter will be filled with the usual BTS craziness so please wait for that. Please vote and comment your feedback!

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