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Walking To School~

"Jungkook-ah, did you grab extra toast?" I fix up my backpack straps.

"Ne." He hands me another piece of toast.

"고마워 (Gomawo: Thank you [informal])."

I start skipping a little bit while eating the toast. What a beautiful day~ I breathe in the fresh air.

"What a beautiful day~ I love sunny days with a cool breeze~"

"Jinjja!? Me too!" He smiled brightly and we high-fived each other.

We arrive at school and of course people there are people staring at us, obviously because Jungkook is an idol. I could feel some girls' eyes go right through me.

*whisper whisper* "O.M.G! Isn't that Seoyeon? Why is she walking with Jungkook like she's his friend!?"| "I'm so jealous of her!"| "She's trying so hard to get close to Jungkook. Who does she think she is!?"

Jeez, fan girls can be a pain in the butt... What a tough life boy groups have...

I continue walking with Jungkook until we reached out classroom.

"Another hard day of work~" It's all because of those girls. It's like they shoot lasers from their eyes or something.

"Why is it a day of hard work? Is this school different than the other schools you've been too?"

"Aniyo, it's because of those girls, they're like a piece of gum stuck on your shoe..."

"Hahaha, sorry~ I didn't know I had fans already~" Jungkook smiles.

"Ya! It's pretty obvious that you do!"


I went to the cafeteria with Seoyeon to go grab lunch. I wonder what's on the menu today...

"Seoyeon, what are you getting?"

"I'm not sure yet..."

We both continue to look at the menu until we both said the same thing. "KIMCHIJEON (Korean Kimchi Pancake)!"

"As expected same age-friend~" Seoyeon laughed, "The flour foods have done it again~"

Seoyeon and I high-five each other. We both grab a seat at one of the tables and start eating.

"Mmm, delicious! How's yours Jungkook?" Seoyeon already finished half of hers.

I take a bite, "Really, really delicious~"

Suddenly a bunch of girls come to our table.

"Oppa can we sit with you!? Can we!?"

I notice one of them shoot a glare at Seoyeon, while the others were trying to shove her off her seat.

"Mianhae, I'm already eating with someone." I give a small bow.

The girls left with a face filled with disappointment.

"Are you okay?" I make sure Seoyeon was fine.

"Ne. I'm used to it. All of the other schools I went to are even crazier than this..."

I'm glad that Seoyeon is fine with this. We both continue to eat. Once we finished, the bell rang.


Eomma had called me earlier to go home to pick some things up to bring to the dorm. I walk back home. After settling everything, eomma gives me a ride to the dorm.

YOUR VOICE | JUNGKOOK ✓Where stories live. Discover now