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I arrive in America safely. The PD had assigned someone to escort me to the training centre. I put my luggage into the car. It was going to be a short ride, but I know I'm going to admire the scenery. Everything looked familiar to me, it's L.A. after all, and appa used to work around here.

We arrive at the training centre. I get out of the car to carry my luggage, but something caught my eye. There was this one sign there that seemed significant to me. I wonder, have I been here before?

Then I remembered. It's the sign where that boy who saved me bumped his head into. This must be the street that I twisted my ankle at. I wonder if the boy remembers this place... I take a picture of the street including the sign. I'm going to write a note on it when I print it out.

I finally enter the training centre, it was a dance academy.


It's only been a day since Seoyeon left for America. I feel lonely, but my hyungs are here~ It's going to be lonely at school since I have to avoid others and can't really make new friends. The PD said that I should make friends that I can trust. Besides, I barely go to school now since I'm an idol now... Becoming an idol means becoming less educated, but I get to do what I love, that's what matters.

I go to my room and take a nap. Before I do that I should write in that book. I grab my notebook and write.

<< It's been a few years since I've been searching for you. You may think I've been searching for your voice only, but that's not the truth. I'm still waiting for you. You. Your voice. Everything. I hope we'll see each other again because that's the time I felt, "Love at First Sight". Even though I don't  know how you look like, I will identify you by your voice. Everyone's voices are suppose to change as they grow, but your voice was significant, it was special, even if your voice changes I would know it was you.>>

I read over what I wrote. This has to be the deepest and truthful thing I've ever written.

Jin hyung told us to come join him for lunch. I can't say no. No one disobeys eomma Jin. I quickly go join the members for lunch.


*sigh*I'm so tired. I finally get to take a break from training for a week. I hear BTS has a comeback MV, I grab my phone and check it out. It's a school concept. They've grown quite a bit since the last time I've seen them. My phone suddenly buzzed. I check to see a notification. It's from the PD!

{Seoyeon, this is Bang Sihyuk, the PD. I have news for you! Since you're in L.A., I have prepared passes for you to go to KCON this year. The best part is that BTS is performing there! I hope you do come and watch! It would be a great surprise for them! Your dance instructor will give the passes. Hope you go and support them!}

They're going to KCON this year? That means I'll be able to see them again. PD did say that I should go surprise them, I'll try to go backstage.


It's already August! My hyungs and I have been filming American Hustle Life the past few weeks. I've even met rap legends. I feel like a blessed maknae. Since we're in L.A., I wonder where Seoyeon is training. Even though we've been in L.A. for a few weeks, we've never got a chance to visit her.

We're performing at KCON this year. There are a few more hours until be make our appearance. I hope Seoyeon comes~


It's the second day of KCON, BTS is performing today! The dance instructor gave me the tickets that have been prepared by the PD. It's going to be an amazing performance, I know it.

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