S.P.E.W! Not Spew

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I felt a pang of sadness as I walked into platform 9 and 3/4. It was my 7th and last year at Hogwarts. I smiled sadly as a small 11 year old girl walked past me. I remember my first year. I was excited and terrified at the same time.
I saw Scorpius and Albus waiting for me. Albus was the new Slytherin Quidditch captain. Scorpius and I were made Head boy and girl.
"Can you believe it's our last year?" Albus said.
"It's kind of sad." I said. Hogwarts is like a second home.
"I think it's exciting!" Said Scorpius. "I mean, we're adults now! Soon we'll have our own houses and jobs."
"Still, I'm going to miss it." Albus said.
Scorpius and I nodded in agreement.

Later in our compartment, we were talking about what jobs we wanted.
"I'd like to be an Auror." Scorpius said.
"Yeah." Said Albus.
"I want work at the Ministry like my Mum." I said. "She does a lot of work to help house elves. Speaking of which" I said, digging the box out of my bag. "My Mum formed this organization, I was thinking of starting it up again."
I handed each of them a button.
"Spew?" Scorpius asked.
Albus laughed.
"S.P.E.W. It stands for Society Promotion of Elvish Welfare." I said.
Scorpius and Albus looked at me with confused, and slightly amused expressions.
"You can't be serious!" Scorpius said.
"It is serious! Do you know most house elves aren't paid or given days off?!"
"Yes, they like working, they don't want days off." Scorpius said.
"Not all of them! Are you going to join or not?"
"You're lucky I love you." He said putting the button in his pocket and kissing me.
As me Al and Scorp were walking to the Great Hall we passed the nervous looking first years waiting to be sorted.
"Hi!" I said smiling brightly at them. "I'm the Head girl, Rose Weasley. There's no need to be nervous. It doesn't matter were your sorted, all the houses are good."
"Except, Slytherin is the best." Scorpius said grinning.
I punched him playfully on the arm. He kissed me. A few of the first year girls giggled.
After the feast Scorpius and I walked up to the head's dormitory together. I sat in the common room reading.

I woke up the next morning fully clothed. Scorpius was asleep beside me with his arm wrapped around me protectively.
"Scorp!" I said.
He opened his eyes. "What?" He mumbled.
"Why are you in my bed?"
"You fell asleep reading so I carried you in here and I guess I fell asleep too."
I looked at the clock.
"Scorp, we have to get up. It's almost 9!"
"Shit! Really?" He said getting up.
"Yes and you have to leave." I said firmly.
"Rose" he mumbled, kissing my neck.
"I have Quidditch! I have to get dressed!" I said pushing him towards the door.
"I could help you." He said smirking.
"You're going to make me late!" I pouted.
He kissed me quickly before leaving.

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