Chapter 18

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I walked back up to my room after I talked to Jack and watched some TV. I have never been the type of person to always around someone else. I love just being on my own and doing my own thing because I just feel more free, that's why I don't always go out on weekends if Kian and Jc offer and they invited me down to there room last night to watch movies but I said no because I wanted to be on my own. I was midway through an episode of friends where Joey gets his head stuck in the door of Monica and Chandlers apartment when I heard the door knock. I opened the door to reveal Cameron stood on the other side "hey, I was wondering if you were okay from dinner" Cameron said " yeah I'm fine now it didn't bother me too much in the first place ive just stopped caring so much about what Taylor and the rest of them say to me." I said opening the door wider so Cameron could come in. He entered the hotel room and we both sat on the couch that was in front of the TV. "Oh my gosh I love friends!" Cameron yelled enthusiastically "well you can stay and watch it if you want Comedy Central are playing all of their episodes so I'm watching them" I offered "sure" he replied. Cameron then stood up and pulled the blanket off of the bed and brought it over to the sofa. He put it over us both and I put my feet up on the coffee table.

It was 12:30 in the night and I'd finished watching friends as I was dozing off on the sofa. I turned the TV off and realised Cameron had fallen asleep so I got up and turned his body around so he was lying across the sofa I then but the blanket over him and went to my bed and got under the duvet. After nearly an hour of trying to get to sleep my eyes finally shut and I fell asleep.

I woke up to my alarm going off. It was 8am and I only had 1 hour and a half before we had to be at the venue for sound check. It was our show today and a meet and greet tomorrow. I climbed out of my bed still half asleep and noticed Cameron asleep on the couch. I walked over to him and shook his shoulder gently "Cameron, you have to wake up and get ready for the show today" I spoke softly. His arms lifted up and he stretched them out as his eyes fluttered open "you have to get back to your room so you can get ready" I told him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and then stood up "I'll see you later" he told me and then left the room so he could go and get ready. I grabbed my high wasted white shorts, a red crop top and my red vans and then went to the bathroom and showered. I washed my body and hair and then shaved and got out. I dried myself off, changed, and then curled the ends of my hair and applied light makeup. I had 20 minutes before we had to be down for breakfast so I grabbed my phone and waited for everyone in the lobby.

After breakfast we all separated into 3 cars and travelled to the venue. In the car I was in there was Jc, me, Kian, Cameron, Jacob and Mahogany. We pulled up at the venue and it was massive. Only now had I began to get nervous. The fans might hate me and not want to even come near me at the meet and greet they might boo at me when I appear on stage they might insult me even worse than Taylor and the rest of my bullies. What if I have a panic attack and pass out on stage? "Your going to be okay" I heard Cameron whisper in my ear as he was sat to my right. I smiled up to him a half genuine smile trying to convince him I was fine. "I won't let anyone be horrible to you and I know for sure Jack won't let anyone hurt you, don't worry" Cameron assured me and I nodded believing his words as we exited the car. Here goes nothing.

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