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Before death, Embry's POV


It's a evil, heinous, relentless creature that grabs you by your neck until there is no more to grab. I guess over the years, it had caught up to me. I tried, with medicine, relaxation, and just about anything to take it away. But it didn't.

It just choked me tighter. And tighter.

Throwing it away was near to impossible. The blankets, suffocating me no matter how hard I tried to kick it off.

I don't know the exact moment it got to me, or how.

Things happened, and it just snuck up, sucking the life out of me. Usually, that's how it happens.

It wasn't just the things that got to me, it was me.

bothered myself more than anything else.

My mind is corrupted.

I would see things no one else has ever seen. All the senses. Hear, smell, taste, feel, see.

They were everywhere.

I'm a lunatic. It's all in my head, it's all in me.

Before my Father broke up with my mom, she told me I was crazy. I didn't want to believe her, but I slowly began to. And at about that time, my life flipped. I had a good twelve years in my life. Twelve years of comfort, twelve years with actual parents. I still saw the things, but my parents said it was my 'imagination', that was until my mom had gotten into a huge fight with my father. I remember how angry she was, and how much she was shaking.

I sat in the livingroom floor, coloring a coloring book of animals. I had the brown crayon in hand, and as soon as it hit the paper I heard a voice.

"Make them stop," It said. I looked around and saw no one. I closed my eyes and dropped the crayon. "Go away," I whispered. My parents voices were in the background, yelling at each other.

"Make them stop."  It said once more, however this time it was sinister. It made me shake.

"I can't. Just go away." I squeezed my eyes, and opened them when I heard heavy footsteps come down the stairs.

I turned around, and saw my mother. Her hair was up in a messy ponytail, falling down.

She had a deep cut on her right cheek, the blood racing down her face. Onto her jaw, running down her neck into her white tee. 

Her eyes were burning with hatred. Her breaths were hard, and unfocused. She started walking to me, and I was unsure of what to do.

Of what she was going to do to me.

Every step she took made me shake more and more. Tears were begging to be let out, so my vision was blurry. 

She stopped, her feet almost touching me. Her head turn down, looking at me.

Slowly, her eyes narrowed.

"If it weren't for-" She reached down at my legs, which kicked out. But failed to get out of her grip.

"You." She finished, her voice was emotional. Raspy.

I tried to grab on anything, but all that was in arm's reach was the piece of coloring paper. It crunched underneath my hand, being dragged with me. My purple colored nails scratched against the hardwood, my body was flailing, legs kicking.

"Mom! Stop!" I screamed, but it just sounded like a alarm. Over and over again, I begged. But she said nothing, she never woke up.

The first hit scared me. Before this she had never hurt me.

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