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"Guys get off snap chat!" I yelled seeing that someone made me drop my phone in the hotels pool, wanna guess who, well you probably guessed right Sam Wilkinson.

"Whyy is someone mad about her phone?"Johnson teased.

"Johnson I will mess you up, there is two things in this world that make me happy, starbucks and my phone I will end you." I said looking him in the eye and grabbing the collar on his shirt.

"Dayummmm." He said with his hands up in defense.

"I told you I would pay for it Caroline." Colby commented. 

"No Colby, I don't want you paying for his jerk move." I narrowed my eyes at Sam who was across the room. (btw we are all in Jack and Jacks room.) 

"I'm sorry Caroline, I told you I slipped and hit your phone out of your hand." He said smirking. I walked up to him and grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"Listen up dick head, just because I don't like you doesn't give you the right to give me shit. Your lucky I have held my brother and everyone else from beating you up, do you really want another beating?" I asked giving him a death glare.

"Not really but I know what I wanna do." He said then he was about to grab my butt, but I grabbed his hand.

"No groping above or south of the equator creep." I said and went back to my seat. 

"Dayummmmmmmmm." Scattered through out the room.

"Now I'm going to get my phone fixed or replaced or whatever, bye." I said walking out.

"I'll go with her I heard from the room." I didn't bother seeing it was probably my brother or someone.

"Hey wait up." I heard someone say. I turned around to see the one and only Nash Grier jogging to catch up with me. I stopped so he could walk with me.

"Thanks." He said putting on his snap back.

"No problem." I said walking to the elevator pressing the button, while Nash walked by looking at his phone. 

"I'll take that." I say grabbing his phone and going back to the elevator.

"Yo c'mon I won't walk past stuff anymore." He said trying to grab the phone.

"Its not because of that, its because I'm not walking with someone that is on their phone while I can't be." I smirked. We walked in the elevator and the whole time some guy was checking me out, I felt offended and violated. I guess Nash noticed so he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Really dude, quit checking out my girl." Nash spoke.

"Ummm who said she was your girl I don't see any kissing, or cuddling just your arm around her." He said back with a smirk.

"Well she isn't going to be receiving  any of that from you." Nash retaliated.

"Wanna bet." The guy smirked.

"Uhh both of you can stop fighting because I like one guy and only one guy." I said looking at them back and forth.

"Ha." The guy said looking at my body again.

"Fuck you." I mumbled.

"What time babe?" He said as the elevator dinged.

"Lets go!" I said excitedly because I wanted my phone back. I grabbed Nash's hand and had already called an uber so it was ready. We got in and he started the car asking where I wanted to go, I told him and he started driving. We went down the road and of course got stuck in traffic. Nash looked sad.

"Nashy ma boiii whats wrong?" I asked nudging my arm on his.

"Nothing." He mumbled.

"Nash whats wr-?" I said but I got interrupted.

"Actually what is wrong with me Caroline huh?! I have liked you for years and then when I'm protecting you from some perv you have the nerve to tell me you don't like me yea thanks." He said crossing his arms and looking out the window.

"Nash I-I didn't me-" Once again I was interrupted. 

"What didn't mean to say you don't like me thanks but I-." This time I cut him off by smashing my lips into his. I pulled away and he looked at me in confusion.

"The guy is you doofus." I said punching his arm. 

"I-I." He stuttered 

"Just don't yell at me for liking you next time?" I asked. He instantly smirked and kissed my lips once more. We soon arrived at the apple store. Nash got out as I grabbed my bag. When I was about to open my door Jack opened it for me. 

"Why thank you kind sir." I said as I hopped out. 

"Your quite welcome my lady." We laughed and went in I told him what happened to my phone, luckly I wasn't insured for that. *Note my sarcasm*

"Well how much is it to replace it." I asked the man at the counter.

"125$" He responded.

"But for you I'll make an exception." He said biting his lip. Oh c'mon are you fucking kidding me. Nash put his arm around me and the guy kept looking at me, not getting the idea. 

"Listen bud we will pay full price, and you can stop staring at her." Nash said pulling me closer to him.

"Nash!" I whisper yelled. 

"What?" He asked looking down at me. 

"I don't have that much money on me right now!" I said gritting my teeth. 

"Well I do." He said walking up to the counter. He continued looking at me up and down.

"HEY" Nash said slapping his hand on the counter. The guy looked at Nash frightened by the noise his slap made.

"Pay attention to your customer." He said looking the guy in the eye. 

"Whatever but because its her phone she has to fill out forms." The guy gave a fake smile. I filled out all the forms and Nash payed for my phone.

"Thank you." I said to Nash as he handed me my new phone.

"No problem princess." He said kissing my forehead. We walked to starbucks because how our like hotel goes is like halfway starbucks and then where we were was the same distance from the hotel so we decided to walk to starbucks drink and eat and then walk back to the hotel.

"OMG ITS NASH GRIER!" I heard a fan scream. Literally 2 seconds later we had 3 girls around us.They just had to open their mouths...

"whos the slut, your mine." one said.

"Nash are you cheating on me." another said. then I heard something that brightened my day.

"Guys shut up thats Gilinsky's sister, Nash couldn't date her even if she paid him to." I didn't feel teary I just wanted to punch them.

"Umm you guys could be nicer considering I really like Caroline, so can you guys be nicer and get lives?" Nash said I was surprised he talked to his fans that way.

"PROVE IT!" one said giving me a death glare.

"Gu-." I was interrupted by Nash pressing his lips on mine. He pulled away and smiled. 

"Happy, or are you not done butting into other peoples lives?" Nash said and pulled me to starbucks. We ordered and guess who was their, literally the one person I wouldn't want to see.

"GOD GO HOME ___!" I yelled


Hey guys thanks for the support. I'm hoping to update alot until school comes. Luv ya bye 


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