Chapter 2

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Gabbys POV
When I heard those gun shots being fired, the worst thoughts started coming to my head. I hoped to god that everyone was ok and Matt was ok. My heart was pounding when all of a sudden I heard Antonio come over Burgess's radio.

"We found Matt. He's beat up pretty bad but he's conscious. The gun shots that were fired were from us hitting jack to self defend ourselves and Matt. Send the paramedics in now." Antonio said

"Copy that Antonio. Paramedics are now entering the building." Burgess replied

Matts POV
I woke up to someone calling my name. It was Antonio. I would probably never admit this to people but I was scared when jack took me. But I wasn't scared for myself, I was scared for gabby. Even though we broke off our engagement it was obvious that we still loved each other and that one day we would be together again. When I heard Antonio calling my name, I knew it was all over and I was safe. All I wondered was how they knew I was missing. The next thing I knew I was being put into the back of the ambulance because I had a fractured elbow and a couple broken ribs from some of the injuries caused by Jack. When we were pulling out of the parking lot, I saw a face I had been dying to see ever since I was taken. Gabby.

"Pull back over now. I need to talk to her." Matt told the paramedic in the back with him

"Sir, we have to get you to the hospital. I'm sorry but-" she was cut off by matt.

"Pull this ambulance over now. I could sue you for not allowing me to have someone in the back with me."

"Ok, I'll go get her. Wait right here, sir."

A couple minutes later the paramedic came back with gabby. Gabbys eyes were all red and puffy like she had been crying. It broke my heart to see her this way. I wanted to tell her how I really felt about her but I knew it was too risky. On the way to the hospital, I just sat there and she held my hand. I missed her.

Gabbys POV
The whole way there I just sat in the back of the ambulance with Matt and held his hand. I missed this but I knew I couldn't tell him how I truly feel, not now at least. When we got to the emergency room, they rolled Matt away not allowing me to follow any further. All I could do was sit in the waiting room and wait. I waited and waited for what seemed like forever when the doctor came out. At this point matts sister was also in the waiting room also. Firehouse 51 was informed of him being found and his condition but were still on shift unfortunately.

"Family of Matthew casey?" Dr.Halstead asked. Christie and I stood up

"We were able to repair mr.caseys broken ribs and give him some pain medicine for his injuries. He is allowed visitors and is asking for a Gabriella Dawson?" Dr.Halstead told them

"That's me. What room is he in?"

"Room 408"

When I got to his room I could see how much pain he was in from his facial expressions. It killed me to see him in pain but all I could do was be there for him. As friends.

"Hey gabs. How r u?" Matt asked

"You scared me Matthew Casey. I know we are friends and I love that but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. You scared me. Don't do it again. Got it?"

"Yes mam! Hey I have to ask you a question."

"Go for it."

"Well first off I'm assuming you were the one that knew something was wrong and called an intelligence. Correct?"


"Now for the question. How did you exactly know that there was something wrong? I mean I was at my apartment when it went down so how did you know something was wrong?"

"Matt, I need to tell you something. The night that you left shift early to help intelligence I kept getting nauseous at certain smells and since I was feeling off lately I decided to take a pregnancy test and-"
Matt cut gabby off

"Gabby, are you pregnant?"

"Yes Matt, I'm pregnant. We are going to have a kid. And I understand if you do not want to be apart of this child's life so-"

"Gabby there is nothing I would want more than to be a part of this child's life. I am going to be here for you and this baby no matter what. I don't care if we aren't together, I will still be there. I'm gonna love this kid with all my heart."

A/N: hey guys. I hope you liked this chapter. Let me know if you guys have any idea as to what you want to happen. I am more than happy to add some ideas in too! Vote and comment if you liked it:)

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