Official Girlfriend?

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The backstory of Emma is out or should be coming out but if you want to read it you can if you are a follower and back to the story......

Joey's POV

"Goodnight" I close the door and walk to my room, I change to go to sleep. I get in bed and close my eyes. *Screams* I run out my room to Emma's room, she is crying "Are you okay?" I sit on her bed and wrap my arms around her "It was a bull shit nightmare" she says as she wipes her tears "I'm okay" I get up "I'm gonna go to sleep, try to sleep without nightmares" she shakes her head and I walk back to my room. I lay down and can't sleep. I wake up with only a few hours of sleep, I get up and go downstairs "You are so on my good side if you keep cooking like that" I hear David say as I walk into the kitchen "Good morning, I made breakfast and I had David go get you a green tea" she hands me the green tea and sets the plate of eggs on the island "Thank you, but you didn't have to" "And you didn't have to let me stay here besides I use to work at a diner" she walks around the island.

Emma's POV

"These are good" "Thank you" I blush to his sweetness "I am gonna go get ready" "For what?" I stop walking and turn "I am going to look for a J.O.B" "You need a ride?" I shake my head no "Okay but we are ya know in a neighborhood not the middle of the city" "I have a taxi coming in an hour" I run upstairs and burst into the room I am staying in "Uhh" I get my brush, straightener and make up bag and set it in front of the long mirror "Clothes clothes clothes" I tear my bag apart for some thing to wear, I put on my Clothes and get ready. I walk down the stairs into the living room "Work it work it" I smile and see David "You don't model?" "No, I am no where as perfect as models are" he walks and sits on the couch "You're pretty enough for it, Joey does a little modeling" "Where is he?" "In his office. I walk into a room and Joey is shirtless "Ohh" I freeze and he turns and laughs "Stacy their is a visitor" he talks into his Mic "Sorry I didn't know I was just going to tell you I am leaving in a few minutes" he nods at me and I walk out, I can't believe I saw Joey Graceffa shirtless "Wow" I say as I walk back into the living room "You say something?" I jump not knowing David was still there "No" *Honk* "Oh bye guys!" I run out to the taxi and get in "Take me to the city please" he starts driving. (A/N real quick make sure you read my A/Ns at the bottom or last page) I get out and start walking around L.A for a job "Oh my god it's Emma" I see three girls walk up to me, please Lord don't let them kill me "You are Emma right, are you his girlfriend?" I look behind myself and look back at them "Duh Amber she was on the video" "Can we get a picture?" "Sure" I take the picture with the cute red head, black and brunette "I think its cool you are going out with Joey Graceffa" they walk past me and I look back at them "I don't think we are a real thing" I yell back at them but they can't hear

Guess what happened to me


Three girl walked up to me for a picture and one told me they think it's "cool" I am going out with you but we aren't a thing are we?

I don't know

What was the name of the reporter people?

YouTube News

I sit on a lonely bench and open the YouTube app then look up YouTube News, the first on the list I play it
"Hey guys! Welcome to YouTube News I am Rebbeca and is Joey Graceffa hiding something or someone *Intro* Joey Graceffa was caught having a little kiss moment with a mystery girl in the lobby of the hotel they were staying at, the couple was seen coming out the hotel together getting into an Uber then the mystery girls said I am Emma Perkins and pulls Joey out the Uber and kisses him. That has been YouTube News what do you guys think about this mystery girl? Let us know in the comments, I am Rebbeca see you guys next time" I close the YouTube app


Joey's POV

I get a text from Emma thanking me, could she be my official girlfriend? I walk upstairs and go into my restroom, I undress then get in the shower. I walk out the shower and my phone goes off

@JoeyFanGirl and 25 more are tweeting you about @YouTube News

I open Twitter and click the video link. I close the video and get dressed then do my hair *Door closing* "Joey?" Emma walks in "I thought you were going out to look for a job" "I came back early there was a little problem while I was out" she sits on the rim of the tub "I guess it was more YouTube camera guys, but they started taking pictures of me" I grab my toothbrush "I am sorry" I put toothpaste on it and wet it a little "Its fine" I start brushing my teeth and she walks out. "Joey" she calls me as I walk downstairs "Yeah" "I was thinking if we could do a video about us?" I am surprised and nod my head "I will set up the lights in the office" I get the lights and start setting up. "Ah good day there everyone I am here with a friend you might know from YouTube News" I do an introduction wave around her "Hello" "Do you want to tell them about yourself?" she thinks for a second "Okay well, I was born in 1992 in Texas, I was brought up in a wealthy family but trust me I am a hard worker" I chuckle at her "I have two brothers and I am the second child of my brother Ethan who's 25 and older than our little brother Mason who's 19" she puts her hair behind her ears "I moved to New York with my best friend Brooke, after high school and lived their since" "Okay anything else?" she shrugs "This is about you" she giggles "Well when I was a little girl I lost my grandmother who was my best friend" she tears up and I give her a tissue "I can cut it" she shake her head no and wipes her tears "If you want me and Joey to do a video other than this one like this video" I laugh "I'm down" "Is that it?" she nods "Okay well I guess that's it remember to like favorit and subscribe Good Damn Bye" "That's weird" "What?" "My first YouTube video, I think people won't like me" I turn the lights off and camera "I don't really care what people say" she is so tough "I guess we'll have to wait and see" she gets up and walks out.

Emma's POV

My phone vibrates

Emma you need to come home in a few weeks because your grandfather is having another gathering and we want you to bring him with you.

"Shit she knows"


Mason showed us a video with you and a boy on some thing with his phone. Bring him home with you in a few week and you will have to give a speech about possibilities

"Uggg" I fall on the bed and scream into the pillow, Joey walks in "I have to go to Texas well we do" he looks confused "My parents found out about the video so that means in a few weeks we have to go to my parents but that will give me the chance to go to New York to Brooke" I sit up "Okay we can get our tickets and pack, a good Vlogg" "You will need to pack a nice suit for my grandfather's gathering" he shakes his head yes, I get up and look online for a ticket for Texas and New York.


Hi guys so I am sorry I haven't updated in a while but school comes first I promise I will try my best to update faster just give me a little time. Vote and comment if you are enjoying the story and are ready for the Meeting the Perkins chapter. Trailer time Ladies and Gentlemen

He throws her in the pool... "Come to one of my shoots for a modeling job"...

There you go please please please vote and comment, go check out Before You and Me.

You and Me(Joey Graceffa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now