Will you stay

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Would you still be with me
If you knew my darkest secrets
If you knew my true self
If you saw past my facade

Would you stay if you saw
My scars,
My insanity,
And my thoughts?

Could you deal with
My hatred for myself,
My hatred for my body
Or me pushing everyone away

I will never love you
I will never be attached
I will never be the one
I will never have a heart

Would you be willing to
Hold me when i fight you
Love me when i try to kill you
Or stay by my side when i try to run

Can you promise
To love me
To help me
And to stay with me

I dont think you can
Others have tried
They only got hurt
They left me

They saw past
The fake smile
My dry eyes
And my hoodies

They were strong enough to
Look under the hoodies
Look into my dry eyes
And past my glued on smile

They tried
To cheer me up
To make me happy
To let me see the good in me

But they failed
They tried their best
They attempted it
But every attempt failed

So are you up to the challenge
Do you think you can help
Do you think you stand a chance
Do you have it in you to change me

Because in reality,
You dont
You'll fail
Just like the rest

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