Pleasure (J-Hope X Jimin)

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Asian Fanfic
User: ottokajii
J-hope watched as Jimin was dancing to no more dream Jimin wanted to make sure he had everything down so that he wouldn't make any mistakes while performing so he told his hyungs if they could watch him and point out if there was any errors.It was the part in the choreography were Jimin had to lift his shirt up. J-hope felt his junior twitch at the sight of Jimin exposing his abs.

J-hope had always had a crush on Jimin since the day they first met but never had the guts to tell him.J-hope drew his eyes from Jimin and looked down to see a bulge forming in his pants. "shit.." he murmured to himself. He needed to get away from everyone and get rid of his little problem. He brought his legs up to his chest in order to hide the bulge.

Once Jimin was done dancing everyone clapped for him. He made his way over to J-hope. "Hyung what did you think of my dancing?" he asked. J-hope looked up at him examining his feautures totally ignoring that his dongsaeng just asked him a question. He didn't realize that he was starring at Jimin untill the younger was waving his hand infront of J-hopes face."Hello? earth to J-hope! Hyung are you even listening to me?" Jimin slightly pouted and waited for an answer.

'Oh gosh he looks so cute when he pouts' J-hope thought to himself. "Oh yeah your dancing.. it was perfect no mistakes, you did great!" he said and gave Jimin a smile. Jimin blushed. Nobody knew that he had a crush on J-hope except for Jung Kook. J-hope was starting to feel uncomfortable with his member rubbing up against his jeans, he needed to get out of there fast.

"Hey guys we are going to go out to eat want to come?" Rap Monster asked the two. "No thanks i'm not that hungry." J-hope replied and quickly stood up while almost running to the bathroom."Is he okay? maybe we should stay home..." Rap Monster began. "No!" Jimin almost screamed. "I mean no it's okay hyung I'll look after J-hope hyung trust me." he assured him.

Rap Monster thought about it for a second before agreeing. Everyone waved goodbye to Jimin as they left.Before JungKook left he put something in Jimin's hand and whispered "Here you might need this if things get a little wild tonight." he winked at Jimin before leaving. As soon as the door shut Jimin looked to see what JungKook had placed in his hand and was beyond confused. It was a bottle of lube. He wondered why he would need lube... Isn't that what guys use when they....

"Oh gosh what is the maknae thinking?!"Jimin started blushing. "Wait so does this mean that J-hope likes me?" He thought out loud. Jimin started to get excited "What if he does like me!" He squealed. "Okay wait I have to go see if he is okay first, he looked a bit frustrated earlier" he said to himself before making his way to the bathroom where J-hope was. He was about to knock but before he could he heard a faint moan come from the inside of the bathroom.

Jimin looked at the door in disbelief. "Did someone just moan?!" he whispered to himself. He pressed his ear to the door and sure enough he heard someone moaning. The only other person in the house with Jimin was J-hope so it had to be him! He heard J-hope moaning and suddenly he heard what he thought he would never hear. J-hope started to moan Jimin's name.Jimin's pants started to feel tight at the sound of J-hope moaning his name. He started to slowly palm himself through his sweatpants.

J-hope kept moaning thinking that all the members had left to go eat but little did he know that Jimin had stayed. Jimin couldn't take it anymore and reached for the door knob checking to see if it was unlocked. He slowly twisted it not wanting to gain J-hopes attention and opened it enough to were he could see what J-hope was doing. He gasped at the sight in front of him and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

J-hope had his pants and underwear around his ankles. J-hope was stroaking himself while lightly tilting his head back. "mmm Jimin..." He moaned. Jimin stood there frozen not knowing what to do, for gods sake he just found his band mate playing with himself while moaning out his name! Jimin didn't know how but his body started moving closer and closer to J-hope untill he was right behind him. J-hope still unaware that Jimin was right behind him watching him with lustfull eyes. J-hope fastened his pace and came moaning Jimin's name. He turned around to grab some toilet paper to clean up his mess but as soon as he turned around he ran straight into Jimin.

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