Kissing Practice (Kagami X Kuroko)

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Fanfiction (Two Chapters)
User: lunaryu
Kagami Taiga thought that Kuroko Tetsuya was a strange person. Believe it or not, it wasn't about his 'hard to notice' presence or his creepy habit to show up and to disappear without notice or his odorless strength.

It was more because of the way Kuroko acted. The sudden exclamation of 'I will become your shadow' and'I will make you number one in Japan' thing was indeed odd, especially to be said to a person that he met for the first time. Honestly, Kagami was quite bothered at that strange event.

However, despite how unusual it was, Kagami didn't dislike that part of Kuroko. Not at all. The shocking-blue haired boy was blunt and to the point, never saying unnecessary thing if it wasn't important. Moreover, he took his promise seriously. Those qualities made Kagami respect the shorter boy.

It was true that Kuroko was mysterious at times, and Kagami didn't know what he was thinking, but it applied to everyone else beside him as well. Though, Kagami had to admit that when Kuroko told him about the real reason why he was so desperate to defeat the other Generation of Miracle members... to defeat Aomine, he had thought that maybe... maybe Kuroko had feelings for the taller, dark-skinned boy.

Maybe it was Kuroko's way to say 'please look at me' to Aomine.

That was a selfish wish, that Kuroko had uttered, during the match between Seirin and Touou, but Kagami also knew that that was how kind hearted and how caring he was towards people that mattered to him. He wanted to be the one that could help him grant that wish, while subconsciously, Kagami wondered if he was in the category of those people that mattered for Kuroko.

Of course, asking Kuroko directly about that subject would be out of question because it was very embarrassing. Despite his personality, Kagami did have his own thought and worry. Moreover, Kuroko tended to surprise people, whether it was the way he suddenly shows up or disappears, or the way his mind works.

Kuroko never ceased to amuse Kagami as well. His personality was hard to understand. Sometimes he was reserved, but another time, Kuroko could be very bold as well. Kagami even thought once that Kuroko could be manipulative even if the boy didn't do it on purpose.

Well, most of the time though, Kagami gave up trying to figure Kuroko out half way.

Though, this time around, Kagami had to admit that... Kuroko's strangeness had multiplied at least five times.

Well, it wasn't noticeable, but... Kuroko did something strange like throwing away Kagami's things and then buying him the new ones. It was weird. Kagami just realized that friends didn't usually do that. Usually, they would point out about the flaw his thing has and then suggest him to buy the new one to replace it. To actually throwing his things without his permission could be considered rude, but for some reasons, Kagami couldn't get angry with him. Well, not long at least. After all, he immediately got the replacement from Kuroko himself.

Also, this was probably nothing, but Kagami felt that Kuroko stared at him more, whether it was during class or during practice. Like he said, it was unnoticeable. Heck, no one even noticed, but Kagami had an instinct like a wild tiger when he became a center of someone or anyone else' attention.

However, Kagami wasn't exactly bothered. He was only a little bit conscious about it. Maybe Kuroko only observed him for research. Though, Kuroko didn't seem to have any particular reason. Kagami didn't feel uncomfortable being stared at by Kuroko either, so he thought it was quite okay....

Huh? That was another strange thing about Kuroko. Kuroko wasn't being creepy even though his act was a little disturbing sometimes.

The list could go on like how Kuroko seemed to be beside him all the time no matter where he went or to assist Kagami in almost everything, like he was an extension of Kagami's hands. The only time Kagami was left alone was during his time at home... or when he was in the bathroom.

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