Chapter 5

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Zany's POV

We brought the girls back to Harry's flat about an hour ago. We've been talking ever since. I was sitting next to Ashley discussing cotton candy. Yes, cotton candy. She's so pretty when she talks about food..... Wait, what?! No, Zayn stop it! Ashley slowly stood up,stretching.

"Um where's your bathroom?" she asked shyly.

"Down the hall on the left" Louis said.

"Here I'll show you" Harry replied practically jumping up.

Crazy people.......

Ashley's POV

I pulled my hair up in to a pony tail and smiled. I'm in Harry Styles bathroom. In his house. May I just take this moment to fan girl.


Ok I'm good.

I walked out and back into the living room as I heard my ring tone playing.

You don't know oh oh, you don't know your beautiful!!

"Ooo love the ring tone!!" Louis gushed.

I blushed and smiled, "Thanks"

I looked down at my phone and smiled it was a text from jay. My ex-boyfriend/ best friend. Yea I know, how does that work? Well we were besties and then dated for a while but it didn't work so we put it behind us and stayed friends.

Jay: Hey, what's up?! How was the concert? Where r u ? Xoxo

Me: Hi! It was great, I'm at Harry's flat

Jay: Harry........?

Me: Styles ;)

Jay: How did u get in to an international pop stars house?! :)

Me: My charm! How else?

Jay: lol of corse, well i'll talk to you later then :)

Me: k bye :)

Jay: bye :)

"Who was that?" Lilly asked looking at me from hanging upside down on the couch.

"Jay" I laughed.

"Oh" she smiled and winked at me.

"No" I said smiling. She still thinks he and I are cute together.

"Whatever" she shrugged smiling.

2 days later

Caitlin's POV

"Hey dad! Yep. Yep. I'm fine, you? Good! Yea, yea sure. How about tonight. Ok, sounds good. See you later, ok, ok, bye." Ashley paced the living room floor talking to her dad.

She tossed her phone on the chair and sighed.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Dad's taking me out for dinner tonight" she replied.

"Oh any special reason?" I asked smiling.

"Yea he has something 'important' to tell me" she replied putting air quotes around important. I laughed and shook my head at her. She sighed and got up.

"Well I better go get ready" she said and walked up stairs.

Ashley's POV

I looked at my self in the full length mirror and smiled. I had on a dark blue sequinned tank top and black pants with my favourite black flats. I left my hair down in light brown curls. I ran down stairs and grabbed my purse waving at the girls as I ran out the door.

"I'll be back soon" I called.

"Have fun!!" Lilly screamed.

"I'll try!" I called back smiling. I walked in to a cute little restaurant and found dad sitting in a back booth. I hugged him and sat down.

Now first may I say that my parents are divorced and I live with mom in Maine. And dad lives in England with his wife Karen.

"So, what's up?" I asked smiling.

"Well honey, remember how I was married before I met your mom?" he asked.

"Uh, yea I guess. I mean I wasn't really around or anything." I replied, sipping my Coke.

"Yea well we had a son and soon after we got divorced and I met your mom and had you" he said smiling like it was the simplest thing ever.

"Yea and then you divorced mom and left to go back to your first wife." I replied, slightly angry.

"Listen, I'm sorry I left you ok?" he asked as he took a bite of spaghetti.

"No, it's not ok" I replied, "now what was the point of all this?" I asked.

"Well that son I had, he's kinda like your half brother?" dad said, more like a question that a statement.

"What!!" I cried, earning myself some glares from random people. Whatever.

"I have a brother!! And I'm just now finding out!!" I hissed slightly quieter.

"Well......" was all he could say. I groaned and got up collecting my things.

"Thanks for dinner" I said half smiling. Dad opened his mouth but I turned and left before he could say anything else.  

I drove home and parked Darren, yes I named my car. Don't judge. I ran into the hotel and slammed the door.

"What happened?" Caity called looking up from her apple.(like the food)

"I have a brother" I replied shortly. Lilly spit out the water she had in her mouth and starred at me with her mouth hanging open.

"Flies" I said smiling. She furrowed her eyebrows at me and I smiled pointing to her mouth.

"You could catch flies" I repeated.

"You just found out you have a brother and your talking about flies!!" Caitlin yelled at me.

"Well what do you want me to do!?!" I cried. Her face dropped and she hugged me.

"I'm so sorry buddy" she said rocking us back and forth.

"Its ok" I smiled, "I'm gonna go call Jay" I collapsed on my bed and pulled out my phone to call Jay.


"Hey buddy!!" I cried

"Hey! So how was dinner?" he asked.

"Just peachy" I replied, "I have a brother."

"You have a what!?!?!" he practically screamed through the phone.

"Umm a brother?" I replied slightly scared.

"So do you want me to come over?" he asked.

"Um you do realise that we're in different country's right?" I asked smiling.

"Uh, yea I'm not stupid Ashy i'll just borrow the jet" he replied.

I smiled did I mention they were rich? Like filthy rich? Yea well they are.

"Um ok, are you sure you can?" I asked.

"Yea! See you tomorrow" he said. I smiled,

"ok bye."


"Hey Ash is it ok if the boys come over tomorrow?" Caity shouted.

"Sure whatever" I called back smiling. Well, this should be interesting.

(A/N)   ***Hello my little cupcakes! :) I'm gonna call you all that now ok? Well how did you like it? Good? Bad? Ok? Who do you think her brother is? I don't know. Jk I do. :) and what do you think of Jay? Well comment, vote, fan, smile, dance in the rain, or sing whichever you prefer :) ok, I'm leaving now, byeeeeee!!***

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