T h r e e

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Me: I have to be to school soon.

Unknown number: see you then ;)

I finally put my phone down for the first time in a while. Who could this person possibly be?

Do I hangout with him? Is he just some random perv nerd that walks around my school staring at every girls booty that walks by.

I grab my school bag and head out of the door.

I get in my car and start it.

The drive to the school takes only about 10 minutes.

I head out and walk up the steps that lead to this hell hole.

"Clover!" I hear a voice call behind me.

I see my bestfriend Sam.

He takes me in for one of his grand hugs.

"How was your spring break?" I ask him.

"Pretty surprising." He says before laughing.

My eyes trail behind him when I see Johnson and Gilinsky.

"Hey Wilkinson, hey Wilson." Johnson says.

I guess he got so used to people calling him by his last name that he does the same. I don't mind anyways.

"So, shall we carry on to a brighter future by education?" Johnson jokes.

We all laugh and walk to our first period.

I have literally been trying to figure this whole thing out. Who could it be? I'm out of people to blame!

"Clover? What's wrong?" I hear Sam ask me.

He pops me back into reality. We are currently at lunch.

"Oh, nothing." I say.

"Come on, I know you better. Something is wrong." He says.

He is my best friend. I might as well tell him.

"This morning or whatever I got a text from this random guy." I blurt.

Sam furrows his eyebrows.

"What do you mean Clover?" He asks me.

"He was very horny." I laugh.

Sam joins in but his laugh is a nervous one.

*After school*

Unknown number: you looked amazing today babe ;)

Me: wait you saw me?!

Unknown number: and you saw me

Me: did I talk to you?

Unknown number: I don't know, did you?

Me: stop being complicated!

Unknown number: okay Clover ;)

Me: how do you know my name?

Unknown number: because I know you Clover

Me: this is giving me a headache.

Unknown number: daddy knows how to relieve those.

Me: wait I might know who this is....

Unknown number: who?

Me: Gilinsky if this is you, I swear I will rip your beautiful head off.

Dirty|s.w. [Still writing]Where stories live. Discover now