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honestly now, the picture above is so true

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luke laid in his bed and looked up at his ceiling with furrowed eyebrows. all he saw was the white boring paint that covered his whole room and he still hated it because it was just so plain.

he wanted color, he wanted fun, he wanted something to make this room more him.

luke bit his lip before reaching for his phone and dialing ashton's number. only two beeps went by before the honey-blond answered.

"hi sunshine" ashton spoke and luke smiled bashfully.

"hi," he breathed out and buried his nose in the sleeve of ashton's sweater that he was wearing, "have you left your apartment yet?"

"no, why? do you need anything?" ashton voice had the slightest bit of worry in it and luke smiled softly because ashton just cared so much.

"can you bring paint?"

"paint? for what?"

"i want you to paint something on my ceiling, over my bed. i want to be able to know you're still with me even when you're not" luke spoke softly and he swear he heard ashton let out a warm sigh.

"i'll be over in a few minutes sunshine" ashton murmured into the phone and luke smiled so big he could probably split his cheeks open.

"thank you, i love you," luke said but quickly corrected himself, "i'm in love with you"

ashton chuckled fondly into the phone, "i'm in love with you too"

even though both boys knew they felt that way towards each other, it still lighted sparks in them both when they said it out loud. it was like fireworks, butterflies and chirping birds all together.

the way those boys felt for each other would never disappear.

"okay bye, see you soon" luke said into the phone, still smiling like a love struck fool.

"i'll see you soon, beautiful"

neither of them hung up though, so they kept mumbling byes and pretty nicknames to each other until ashton actually left his own apartment and entered luke's.

as luke opened the apartment door, he hung up the call and walked into ashton's open arms.

"you ready to paint?" ashton mumbled into luke's messy blond hair.

"you want me to paint with you?" luke asked, slightly surprised.

"of course, i can't do anything without you, sunshine"

luke blushed and nuzzled his face into ashton's neck, leaving a few sweet kissed there before leaning away and smiled at his world.

"okay" luke whispered and nodded before leading ashton into his room. ashton knew very well where every room and every object in luke's apartment was placed, but he still followed after luke like if he was seeing the place for the first time.

the two boys walked over to the bed and laid down on it to study the white ceiling.

"what do you want to paint?" ashton asked and turned his head to the side to look at luke. luke did the same and furrowed his eyebrows as he thought.

erotic // lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now