21) Lost in the Storm (Part 3)

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I bring you the final part of Lost in the Storm!! Thank you to FluffeeKittah for the suggestion for this part!! =D

Y/N's POV:

I woke up strangely warm and comfortable. Opening my eyes, I yawned, sitting up as I stretched, looking around me sleepily. I froze, my eyes widening in shock when I realized where I was. I had somehow worked my way over to next to Tadashi in the night, and was currently snuggled up against his hair. No wonder I had felt so warm.

I flew up and over to my original bed, which was rather messy given my sleepy escape, being careful to not disturb Tadashi. I watched him for a moment, daydreaming. I finally realized what I was doing when he shifted in his sleep, and shook my head, flying over to the window so I wouldn't be tempted.

Looking out, I felt my heart fall a little. The rain was starting to let up, meaning I would have to head back home soon. I sighed, not wanting this wonderful situation to end. I liked Tadashi, that I was certain of, and leaving him, possibly never to see him again, was almost to much to bear.

Footsteps approached me, and I turned to see a sleepy Tadashi ruffling his hair and yawning as he sat down next to me, "Good morning, (Y/n)." I chuckled, blushing a little at his amazing morning voice, "Good morning, Tadashi. How did you sleep?"

He smiled, "Aren't I supposed to be asking you that?" We chuckled, and he started to reach towards me, but stopped himself and said instead, "I slept great, amazingly, actually. You?" I smiled and sat down, dangling my feet off the windowsill, "I slept better, I think, than I ever have."

His look of joy warmed my heart to the very core, "That's wonderful!! I'm so glad you slept well." He stood, glancing out the window, and I could hear the sadness in his voice, "It looks like the rain's stopping soon. You'll be able to head home whenever you're ready."

I flew up to his eye level, hovering inches from his nose, "Tadashi, thank you for letting me stay. I... I wish..." I shook my head, blushing, finding myself unable to speak what I was thinking, I wish I didn't have to leave you. I heard him move, and looked back to find his eyes staring into mine, "What is it you're wishing, (y/n)? Whatever it is, you can tell me."

I looked into those chocolate eyes of his and suddenly the world around us slowed almost to a stop. I bit my lip a little, and sighed, struggling to find my words, "I... I wish I didn't have... to... to leave so soon." There, I had gotten it out, most of it, anyway.

Tadashi reached out a gentle finger towards me, then stopped himself, "You don't have to leave until you're ready. You're welcome here as long as you want to stay." My brain shouted at me to fling myself at him crying "Forever!!!" But I held myself back, saying the safer, but less true to myself, "Thank you, Tadashi. I would truly love to stay, honest, but I should get home before my family worry."

He nodded, and smiled at me, "Don't want that. Hey, you hungry? I'm sure we can find you something, though it might not be what you're used to." I nodded and smiled, "That's alright. I can be flexible, right? Do you have any herbs, or fruit, or nuts?"

He nodded, walking down the stairs; I followed him, staying next to his head. He walked into a room with many shiny things, and pulled out some boxes from cupboards, "We've got some fruit, and a few nuts, though no peanuts. My brother, Hiro, is allergic."

I flew over to the fruit bowl, and examined the choices, "Do you have any berries? Or hazelnuts?" (sorry if you don't like hazelnuts, imagine you do.) He opened the tall white box and pulled out (berry of choice), offering it to me, "Will these do? We don't have hazelnuts, sorry." I flew over, landing on his hand and gratefully taking a couple of berries, carrying them over to the counter to eat.

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