The TARDIS that stole a Time Lord (DrWho Fanfiction)

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"Doctor! Come on!" Called the boy from the door. "We'll lose the group again!"

"I'm coming." The other boy replied half-heartedly, his quiet voice echoing around the flight deck. He rested one hand carefully on the console, staring in wonder at my extravagant interior. I hadn't seen anyone so interested in me in... Well, ever. He dropped his voice to barely a whisper, so only I could hear him. "You... are the most beautiful thing I have ever known."

"You are such a sap." Called the boy at the door, who was evidently still there. "Come on, Mr Tennant will skin us!"

"Master! You worry too much." He said, not turning around. He used the name in a half-joking type of way, as if he had come to accept his friend's eccentricity, even if he didn't agree with it. He was amazing, all innocent blue eyes and sharp angles, his blue school shirt slightly un-tucked at the waist. He couldn't have been more than 200 years old, barely more than a child, but he looked so wise, as if he knew exactly what he wanted from his life, and he was looking at it. He had the look of an adventurer, a dare devil, an explorer. He was everything I had ever wished for, and more.

He gave me this heartbreaking look loaded with – could it finally be, longing? He sighed a heavy sigh, and stomped over to the door, where the Master leaned, tapping his toe. That boy smelled all kinds of crazy to me, and I almost felt bad for wanting to steal his best friend from under him. But then the Doctor turned back to give me one lingering glance, and I think my circuits nearly shorted out. Crazy boy will survive.

Doctor. He's perfect. And maybe... maybe this one's just mad enough to do it?

Only time would tell. I wasn't entirely sure, not yet, but I was pretty certain I had finally done it, after so long. I've found myself a Time Lord! Take me to see the stars!


The Museum was deserted when the Doctor returned. With the lights down and the hoards of Time Students scribbling notes for their exams gone, the building had an eerie calm to it, like it had descended into a deep sleep, recovering from the madness of the day. He crept through the winding maze of corridors until he finally found what he was looking for.


The first one he came to was a sleek green model, built for speed and agility in the Time Vortex, not for blending in, anywhere. He grasped the doorknob and gave it a firm rattle. Then a lean. Then a shove. Nothing. Undiscouraged, he moved straight on to the next one, a tall concrete-pillar style war model. He didn't spend long on that one, and was in fact quite relieved when it stayed firmly locked. He hated violence, and didn't really want to make his escape in something designed for it. He wanted something for adventures.

I was the last one he tried. He ran his hand over my deep, strong blue cover, the bluest blue possible, staring longingly at the handle. He took a long shaking breath and slowly, he gave a gentle push on the door, right next to the stark white Pull sign he had obviously missed. What a wonderful idiot.

He stumbled back as the door swung inward, not quite believing his luck. A smile broke across his face like the second sun over the Gallefreyan horizon, and if I was humanoid, his beauty would have taken my breath away. He punched the air with his fist, spinning a few times as if looking for his friend to congratulate him. But the Master wasn't there, so he took another long deep breath, quietening his racing hearts.

"This is really it." He chuckles quietly to himself, running a hand through his thick chestnut hair, already streaked with silver. The first regeneration always ages quicker, so I'm told. "Geronimo!"

He slipped through the doors, and neither of us looked back.

The TARDIS that stole a Time Lord (DrWho Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now