Trouble and the Doctor

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Now, a quick note about the Doctor and what i have learned about him after years of adventures. He has an incredible knack of finding trouble. It follows him like a lost puppy - a puppy with razor sharp teeth, might I add. And something i have learned about when the Doctor goes to London, is that he can't last an hour without either running into himself (that's always awkward, trust me), or running into some form of planet endangering mischief.

So, naturally, precautions must always be taken.

As soon as we touched down, i sent a telepathic pulse link to his friends Vastra, Jenny and Strax. Vastra was the most sensitive, as the pulses tended to knock the human out cold. I directed the pulse for her brainwaves and hoped against hope that the Doctor wouldn't get trampled by a horse and cart before she found him.

The Doctor and trouble never stay apart for long.

"Quick, Miss, he's getting away!"

Jenny raced ahead, her skirts flowing around her heels as the mud splashed up the back of her legs. Vastra was quick oh her heels, and she could hear Strax up ahead, screaming about the glory of Sontar. She mentally rolled her eyes as they ducked and dived through the moonlit streets of London, darting through the silvery pools of gaslight. She was getting to old for this.


Vastra froze, her eyes darting through the dark, searching for the voice. She spun in a circle, the chase immediately forgotten.


She felt the full force of the pulse surrounding her, closing in as she dropped to her knees, and all at once the TARDIS was inside her mind.

A great city and a sunny graveyard rose up around the Doctor as he stood weeping. River Song held him back as the redheaded woman he saved at Demon's Run disappeared at the touch of a Stone Angel. His cries rang mournfully through the air.

The image changed, as the Doctor stood at the doors of the TARDIS, screaming out into a rolling, rising explosion, which melted and singed and destroyed everything in its path. He shouted with the burning anger of a warrior and sobbed with the agonizing grief of a survivor, knowing that he would never be whole again.

The final image swam into view, before the TARDIS released her with a jolt, making her slump to the damp cobbled ground, panting. Painfully slowly, she tilted her head skywards, as the first drops of cool rain splattered her scales through her black veil. The dark cloud rose above her, exactly as the TARDIS had shown her. The Doctors angry sobs still resounded through her head as consciousness slowly slipped away from her.

You cannot hide forever, Doctor. This world needs you yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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