I'll Kiss You Under A Red Umbrella... Chapter 1

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Okay, so I had this idea when I was looking at random photo's on photo bucket I hope you like the start! Well I wont waste anymore time!

Toddle Pip!


Georgie Greystonn...

My life didn't start like this, I was born a... well... dork... more or less. I was pretty, always had my nose in a book. Got asked out, just not by the guy I had a crush on. Succeed in my classes, but I hated school.

See. Not your average run of the muck type of girl. My dad says I have true grit. I say he watches to many Western movies, but I was taught to keep promises. Daddy always said "No matter what, keep every promise that's worth making." and so I did. I got 100% in my maths test, I asked out the class sweetie when I had a crush on him, dumped him, because my best friend had a crush on him to, laughed when I cracked my skull open, stayed strong when mum was diagnosed with cancer and most importantly stayed alive... when my... father... well... he didn't.

My life wasn't easy, but unlike my dad at least I still had one, right?


Today was they're wedding anniversary and after I visited his grave, I was going to go see mum in hospital.

the walk there was slow, sad and slightly teary. When I got to the plot I laid down the only flower I ever put on dad's tombstone... A poppy, no, not a real one. This way his memory stays alive even if the flower isn't tecnicly alive.

When I sat down I felt a hand pull at my shoulder, when I looked over I saw a tall, muscular, African American man standing behind me.

"Hey, someone you know?" He said, his handsome tan skin stretched into a big lopsided grin. I felt a little pang of jealously, he seamedso  innocent.

"Yeah. My dad." I said locking eyes with him, I saw them widen with shock and I saw him open his mouth and grope for words to convey his feelings, but I stopped him. "Don't. I have had enough of the pity train, in fact I got of it years ago." At his confused look I said, " He died when I was seven, I'm sixteen now. Oh and I'm Georgie, by the way." He must have changed his mind on saying sorry obviously figuring out it was useless, that he couldn't change the past, so he settled on a hand shake and struck his hand outwards.

"I'm Tayne, by the way." He said quoting me, I laughed. It sounded silly, my laugh sounded foreign to me. Then I noticed he held something in his other hand. "Oh yeah," He said seeing where I was looking. "My crew, The Misfits, we're preforming at the Star Light Club and dancing... Um.. Not like dancing dancing, but um... Yeah so I'm handing out fliers. Here have one."  He handed me a bright looking flier and it almost blinded me, it was so colourful and fluorescent. I took it, something to do... well... It might do me some good... To do something that doesn't... involve being sad or being around people that are sad.

"I'll be there. I'll make sure of it." I said smiling my own crooked smile, Tayne seems really nice, plus he's pretty- BLEEP!

My phone went off.

Emergency at hospital.

I looked up into his deep chocolate brown eyes, "Sorry, I have to go. My mum's in hospital and one of the nurses said that it's an emergency. I mean you could come she probably just decided she wants some cake or smoething, but I can calm her down and then maybe we could go for ice cream afterwards or something..." I mumbled. Looking down, I wasn't ashamed, but I'm sure someone like him gets far better offers, than what I just said. Pufft. Ice cream! What was I thinking?

"Yeah, I'd love to. Um... Where's your car?" He asked. I looked up. Did he just actually say yes? Still in a trance, I led him towards my car. It was a little but old a second hand car, but I love classics and... It was my dad's for my little brother and until he's old enough it's mine. It's a yellow convertible Cadillac , personally I love and the first time I took it to school, all the guys wouldn't stop obsessing over it, but it was fun, because I could answer every question right and the girls hated it. Ha! Teach them.

As it turns out Tanye was definitely one of those car guys. He asked and re-asked every question. So I asked some in return, you know. The basics like where do you go to school and as it turns out he is transferring to Bloomfield on Monday, seeing as he couldn't start today, because it's a Saturday.


When we got to the hospital's front desk, I almost immediately spotted Sarah, the nurse who messaged me. I ran over and asked what's wrong, she didn't give me an answer, she just led me towards the common ward of my mothers.

"I think you should take a look for yourself." She said, nodding to the door. I took a step closer, to the door, trying to prepare for the sights I might see, but nothing prepared me for what I saw then in that room.


SO what do you think whats wrong with her mum?



Or Worse?

Wait and see!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2011 ⏰

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