Chapter Twenty

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Dear Scott,

I’m wondering 

What you’re thinking

It concerns me everyday

I want to know

What I mean to you

Am I worth 

All that she was

Or am I just another

Another fawning girl

No better than the rest

Scott, tell me

Is this real

Or am I

Just another one





The dim light falling in

The smooth lines that outline 

The features you posses

Your chest rising

Then falling softly

Hands shaking

Resting gracefully

Together in the darkness

Together in the light

A scene to behold




“Ok, there is food in the kitchen, you may help yourself. And the kids are already in bed, so you wont have to worry about bedtime… Let me think. Jerry, is there anything else I’m forgetting?” Her middle-aged hands were moving around as she thought aloud. I had babysat for the Starr’s enough to know my way around the house and take care of their sleeping children. Hell, I could probably do it with my eyes closed! Yet every time I came over we went through the same process before they finally left. 

“I think I’m set, Mrs. Starr,” I smiled, speaking in the most adult voice I could stir from my throat.

“Yeah, Honey. Missy has done this enough times to know what she’s doing,” Mr. Starr laughed as he tucked his wife into her coat.

“I feel like there’s something we’re forgetting,” she bit her lip. “Oh well,” grabbing her purse, she followed her husband to the door.

“Have a fun night,” I smiled, waving them out.

“And, Miss,” she paused once on the porch outside, her long dark hair falling into her face. “It’s about eight thirty now, we should be home around midnight or eleven thirty,” she looked down, referencing her silver watch.

“Sounds great,” I smiled, shutting the door behind them before locking it.

Turing towards the living room, I kicked my shoes off and prepared to hop on the couch. Dim and yellow, the single light in the room came from a skinny lamp in a corner near the door. I laid down, rubbing my eyes sleepily, debating whether or not I wanted to turn out the light and take a nap. Setting my phone on the edge of my cheek, I left it to rest there.

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