Chapter Twenty Two

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Dear Scott,

I love the pattern of your spiky hair

As it presses against my fingertips

I love the way you smile

After you say something sassy

I love the way the seconds feel 

Like hours when I’m waiting for you

I love how I don’t have to say a thing

Not a thing when I’m with you

I love how when I hug you

I have to stand on my tiptoes

I love how you have a special smile

The one you wear just for me

I love how I feel

Like my stomach is going to explode

When your name dances across my phone

I love that life altering feeling

Of feeling like I’ve crossed your mind

Because maybe, just maybe

You feel the way I do 

“NO WAY! Missy! I can’t believe it! Really!” Steven’s voice beat down my eardrums before I could pull the phone away from my ear.

“Yep,” I smiled to myself. “I’m actually waiting for him to come get me to go see a movie right now.” 

Had I woken up any early than noon, I was sure Sunday would’ve dragged on for years. After waking up at two-thirty, I took the day one step at a time; eating a big breakfast to regain my strength before taking a shower that lasted even after the water had turned cold. The weekend had lasted a lifetime, Friday night having passed me by faster than I ever thought possible. 

Steven had called around seven on sunday night, interrupting me while I did absolutely nothing but listen to music and stare off into space, deep in thought. I had been doing a lot of thinking before he called, my mind filled with both disbelief and confusion over what had happened that weekend.

My eyes remained closed, Scott’s face filling my thoughts, the soft curves of his profile outlined by the light spilling in from the hallway the night before. Remembering the way I laid there, my head resting on his arm in the darkness of his room, I thought of Jean. I had disliked her so much for the choices she had made and how they had affected my life… disliked her so much, without ever putting myself in her shoes. I wondered how she felt, wondered if she laid beside Scott in the darkness of his room, gracing his knuckles with her thumb like I had. 

It had to have been different. I went there not knowing what to expect, she went with an agenda written across her forehead. I was falling harder for Scott with each passing day, and she could’ve cared less about being part of his destiny. The minutes ticked by as I sat, reasoning with myself, my heart telling my head that I was different. My breath left my lungs softly as I sighed, knowing in the pit of my stomach that I really didn't mean that much more to him than Jean had.

“I just can’t believe it,” Steven said again, his voice filled with shock and excitement. “And I was down stairs the whole time!”

“I know,” I rubbed my eyes, feeling embarrassed as I told my first and only confidant about my Friday night. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything that happened. Like what happens next?” I asked naïvely.

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