The Skittles Game

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Hey! I know I haven't been updating this, at all, in a very long time, but I have been busy with other stuff. 

I had this cool idea while I was thinking about how funny it would be if the Avengers played a drinking game, then I though of how someone should make up a drinking game for the Avengers movie!

Then I remembered that I am underage (as most of you probably are as well) so even if I did make up a drinking game, I wouldn't be able to play it.

Then (you must be getting sick of that word, I know I am) I had my best idea ever (not really) and came up with....................................

THE SKITTLE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is a rip-off of the drinking game, except insted of drinking you take a skittle, or any other small-ish sweet.

This game is perfect for when you are watching the Avengers movie with a bunch of your friends or, more likely, you are watching it alone in your room, on your laptop with headphones in. I don't know about you, but for me te latter is way more common.

And now for the important bit; The rules!

Take a skittle (or whatever other sweets you have) when;

1) Tony gives someone a nickname.

2) Steve (or Thor) doesn't understand something.

3) (This one works best if you are watching the movie with someone else) Everyone watching quotes a line, as the character says it, at the same time.

4) Tony provokes 'the other guy'.

5) Something explodes.

6) Hawkeye shoots an arrow without looking.

7) There's a reference to one of the previous Marvel movies (eg. I kinda........ broke Harlem)

That's all I've got for now, but leave suggestions in the comments and I will use them in the next edition! Because I'm too lazy/uncreative to think I more.

Please, because you love me!!!!

Thanks guys!


(Also I have to tell you, from one fangirl to many others, there is this really cool website called movie2k and you can watch The Full Avengers movie for free. I swear this isn't one of those weird advertisement things, my teachers even use it to show films to the class. I use it all the time, and tonight I watching both IronMan's in preparation for Iron Man 3 TOMORROW!!!!!!!!)

Sorry for that really long note


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