Chapter 5.

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 As Gemma strolled out of the kitchen, she held two cups of tea, one belonging to me. She sat down facing me, laying her back on the arm of our cream-coloured couch.

"So, who is he?" she asked casually as her green eyes peered up at me from behind the porcelain cup that she was sipping out of. She held out a teacup to me, waiting for an answer to her question.

I cautiously grabbed the teacup by the handle, blowing on the hot beverage before responding. "I don't know what you're talking about," I lied. I looked down at my black-and-white converse nervously, not wanting Gemma to know about my crush on Louis.

Gemma looked hurt, as if she knew I was lying. I can't blame her. We never lie to each other and we always tell each other everything. I can't lie to her.

I sighed, running a hand through my tangled curls, not wanting to lie to her anymore. "H-he's just my English teacher. Niall was supposed to be my ride home, but Mr. Tomlinson held me back after school. So I asked him if he could drop me off here," I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders as if it were no big deal.

"He looks kind of young to be teaching. Don't you think?" she asked, scrunching her nose.

"Be quiet. He's perfect," I responded without thinking. I groaned and slapped my forehead, realizing what I had said. 

"Aw, does Harry have a little crush?" Gemma squinted her eyes, giving me a cute smile.

"It's not little."

For a moment she was silent, staring at me with no expression worn on her face. She looked as if she was in deep thought, but she simply said, "I won't tell anyone." She zipped her lips with an imaginary key and locked it.

"Thanks, Gemma." I opened my arms for a hug.

She crawled into my grasp, laying her head in my neck. I watched as she gently caressed my airplane necklace, gently squeezing it before letting it fall back onto my chest. I looked down at her as her eyes fluttered closed. She looked so beautiful. Her temporarily pin-straight hair framed her ivory colored face perfectly. I'm so lucky to have her as a sister. 

I can trust Gemma.. right? 


*LOUIS' POV* ~ the next morning ~

The first couple of class periods seemed to have flew by. I anxiously glanced at the silver-framed wall clock that read 11:28. 

2 more minutes before I get to see my curly-haired angel. Ugh! He's not yours. He's your student, I thought to myself. I quietly sighed to myself, realizing that I didn't even have a five-percent chance of being in a relationship with Harry. I just wanted to get to know him better.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by the obnoxious sound of a bell. 

"Okay, students! Don't forget to finish page three in your textbooks," I called out to my students that were already pushing passed one another, trying to get to their next classes. 

If wasn't long before the next class of students quickly filed into the room. My face immediately lit up as soon as I saw Harry, but I also felt my heart stop. Could you blame me? The short sleeves belonging to his plain black t-shirt were rolled up, showing off his impressive biceps. A metal airplane necklace necklace sat on his upper torso. I wonder if he ever took the precious piece of jewelry off. 

Harry was talking to a very handsome jet black-haired boy. I think his name was Zayn, but I didn't like they way they were laughing and smiling at each other. A very unfamiliar pang of jealously hit me. I immediately forced the feeling away, remembering that Harry was in no means mine. 

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