Chapter 6.

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~the next morning~

The soles of my shoes sloppily made contact with the wet pavement as I stepped out of my black Porsche. I decided to be extra early for school today so I wouldn't be late like the previous morning. As I entered the school building, I heard the faint, unfamiliar voice of a student.

"So you're the douche bag who thought he could put the moves on my girlfriend?"

I could just barely make out the words, but the voice sounded cold and decieving. I decided to find out what was the matter as curiosity took over me. I crept along the end of a long wall of lockers, only for the two students to come into my view.

The harsh voice belonged to Tom Parker, a junior who, by the looks of it, didn't like other guys messing with his girlfriend. Tom had spiky, dark brown hair; the same color as his rather bushy eyebrows. Anger hardened his face as his dark eyes spat fury at the other student. Tom seemed to be blocking my view of the student, but I knew who he was as soon as his familiar voice sounded.

"I can assure you, I did not hit on Kelsey." Harry's voice was dripping with venom. It was obvious the he was very fed up with the other junior. "I like someone else, Tom."

Tom forcefully pushed Harry against a wall of lockers. "Look, you prick! I know you're lying to me." He looked as if he were about to punch Harry.

Harry's emotions were unfazed and bland, as if he was bored. "I like someone else," Harry repeated himself. My heart melted. Was he talking about me? I looked at the ground and smiled. He was talking about me.

I then heard painful groans escaping Harry's mouth. He was doubled-over on the ground, hugging his stomach as he wore a heart-breaking expression on his face. Had Tom punched him?

Tom seemed to be amusing himself as he kicked Harry in the mouth multiple times. "Stay. Away. From. Kelsey," Tom fumed.

"Hey!" I shouted absentmindedly at Tom. "Stop hurting him!"

He looked at me with utter shock before running out of the school building. I ran to Harry's side, ready to help and comfort him. I looked down at his battered face. Crimson liquid dripped from his mouth and he had a busted lip.

"Come on, Haz! We gotta get you patched up." I looked into his eyes. They shone with helplessness and worry. "Let me help you up."



Louis cautiously placed me on a counter-top in the nurse's office, looking at my face for any signs of pain.

"Did he punch you in the stomach?" Lou's voice was filled with much concern.

"You tell me," I responded slowly. Louis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. I purposely peeled off my shirt seductively. Bruises were starting to form on my toned torso. Lou had his mouth hanging slightly open, but I pretended that I hadn't noticed. His eyes trailed up to my busted lip. He immediately got a blue washcloth from an overhead cabinet and moistened it with water. He slowly approached me, looking into my eyes as if asking for permission. I gave him a small, reassuring smile and he was soon gently dabbing away at the blood on my mouth. He looked very concentrated as he examined my small injury. He placed both of his hands on either side of my head, trying to get a better look.

My right hand instinctively put itself on top of Louis' while my left one lifted his chin so he could look me in the eyes. His cerulean eyes briefly glanced at my lips.

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