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When I get 10 views I will publish the first chapter

Hello lovely people, didn't I say that I would publish a new story in January 2016? I did, didn't I? We'll... Here you go!!
Jk! I have written the chapter but you will have to suffer another couple hours before it is release... Just thought you oughta know.

On with the disclaimer!

¡¡Disclaimer!! (I made it fancy :P)

Since I think that writing a disclaimer for every chapter will be impossible for me (already tried that), I will have one here! And only here. Sooooo...

I do not own any of the characters (other than oc's if there are any). I definitely don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter. Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling and Percy Jackson is owned by Rick Riordan. Now that's over and done, read on people (unless you are reading this on January 31st 2016, in which case you must wait awhile longer *evil smile*).

In the next chapter, you will find the things my book includes aka I will dos' and I will not dos'.

When I get 10 views I will publish the first chapter

Grandson of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named aka VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now