P A R T ♡ S I X

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P A R T   S I X

Alcohol & Annoying Bodyguards

MUSIC thumped through the crowded house and vibrated the walls. I kept my head down as Hayley and I sauntered through the masses of already drunken bodies lingering in the hall. It truly was impressing just how fast students could get drunk. 

Percy approached us out of nowhere, a red cup filled with an alcoholic substance in his hand. "Hey, guys!" He yelled loudly, leaning against the wall. He adverted his eyes between Hayley and I, and then to Greyson who stood protectively behind the two of us.

"Sofia, you actually made it!" Percy grinned, his voice slurring slightly as he wrapped a heavy arm around my shoulder with a small wobble. I tried my best to steady his weight, but he was a lot bigger than me which meant I toppled with him.

Greyson steadied me easily, rolling his eyes. I pushed his hand away from my waist, ignoring the shivers it sent down my spine. Percy was already intoxicated and it was clear. Greyson's face hardened as Percy embraced me. "...And you brought your bodyguard?"

"Like I had a choice," I grumbled, still pouting about the entire situation. I had begged Greyson to turn around and take us home, apologized more than sixteen times and promised to never sneak out again during the journey to Matt's house, but he was determined to embarrass me further and attend the party.

I had already noticed a majority of girls sending flirtatious glances in Greyson's direction and we had only been here five minutes. I couldn't blame them; he was definitely the most attractive guy here, and he most definitely stood out from the average male. That didn't mean I was happy about their constant stares and the fact they were practically drooling over him.   

Hayley had disappeared into the crowd, probably to grab a drink, which left Percy and I awkwardly leading an out-of-place Greyson into the kitchen. People were dancing on the counters, drinks were being poured at every angle.

Greyson scoffed, watching the teenagers with amusement dancing in his eyes. He laughed as one boy took six shots in a row and then gagged, sprinting out of the room presumably to throw up.

I dug my elbow into Greyson's ribs and he quickly looked down at me with a scowl on his face.

"Stop judging. Nobody asked you to come."

Greyson shrugged, turning to the fridge to his left. When he turned back to me, he handed me a cool bottle of soda. I looked at it with a frown on my face. Was he really going to try and stop me drinking... at a party?

I motioned toward the beer bottles and red cups that were scattered on the kitchen counters and looked up with an innocent smile, "I was thinking more —"

Greyson grunted under his breath and shook his head. "Don't even think about it, Sofia."

With one swift motion, I grabbed a red cup filled with an unknown substance from Percy's hand and downed it in one swig. This will show him he can't control me all the time.

As the liquor slid and burned down my throat, I gagged with a disgusted face. Holding a hand to my throat, I wailed my arms at Percy for help, but he was too busy pouring another drink to notice.

 I didn't even want to look at Greyson right now. I could hear his heavy laughter from beside me, and I already pictured the annoying, sexy smirk that would be on his face...

Sexy? Had that alcohol hit me already?

Greyson's chuckles died down as Percy turned back around, noticing the empty cup and the look on my face.

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