Chapter Two- when a girl meets a boy

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Chapter Two- when a girl meets a boy.

"What are you doin' 'ere!?" The gruff voice from the cupboard questioned me. My scream had subsided into a small murmur, I could have sworn I was alone!

Lying I said, "I live here?" It sounded more like a question. I raised up my fist, hoping that it would make me look braver than I actually was, to this towering figure in front of me. The figure laughed, they were obviously making fun of me.

"You live here do you?" I nodded, knowing that I was blowing my cover. Badly... "So how come I've been here for the past three years and I haven't seen you here once?"

"You, live here?"

"What's it too you?"

"I needed a place to stay that's all... I ran away from home you see." The figure stepped off of a box and walked out of the shadows. He was now a boy, about my age; his black hair was messy and his white shirt was stained with, what seemed to be, coffee. "Did you run too?" I said, I looked around the small shack- which was neither house nor home. He seemed offended.

"No! Some of us can't afford riches like you people." He gestured to me, I glared back. Muttering under my breath, 'how rude', I took a step back from him allowing him to take one step forward. He did so, and grabbed my rucksack- which I had laid on the floor beside me.

"Hey!" I really wasn't liking this person so far... I tried to grab my bag, "give it back... FREAK!" the figure wasn't disorientated in the slightest by my insult.

"What you got in'ere!? A phone? A gun?"

"How unladylike do you think I am!"

He grinned, "so I was right- you are a snobby little rich girl. Let me guess, couldn't handle daddy's arguments so you ran away?"

"That's not it at all..." His grin was bigger now.

"Except the snobby rich girl part." I turned away from him and headed for the door, forgetting about my bag.

"Where are you going?"

Still walking I replied, "home. I'm going home! I'm too young to be on an adventure." My eyes teared up but I tried my hardest not to cry. The boy placed a weary hand on my shoulder, he'd obviously noticed my upset tone. I jumped at first until I understood that he was trying to be compassionate.

"How old are you?" He took his hand off of my shoulder and walked over to the sofa, as he asked his question. I followed.

"Thirteen. Well thirteen in a few days..." The boy laughed- I asked him what he found so funny, slightly annoyed by his reaction.

"Me too. My birthdays on the twenty sixth of april." I smiled,

"Mine too!" I was slightly less weary now that I had a birthday buddy, it was nice- I was no longer alone. The boy held out a mucky hand.

"Kraigie." I wiped my hand on my raincoat and shook his firmly.



Kraigie and I had journeyed on through the dense forest. We had been traveling for about four hours already. Back at his house we had made a deal- he helped me find my way home if I helped him find food. Easy. We stopped as we reached yet another large oak tree. I looked at Kraigie, his face was red and he was looking at my in a funny way. He then looked down at our hands. I pulled mine from his as soon as I saw. I hadn't noticed that we were holding each others.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2013 ⏰

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