OC Review: CC

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Made By: CC_The_Mercenary

OC Name: CC (she was made before the human/animal hybrid CC)


Appearance : Walks on all fours, wears a black and blue scarf and steampunk goggles, mix between a fox and a wolf so foxish build but wolfish in fur color. Indigo eyes, orange fur on belly, paws, tips of ears, muzzle, and underside of the neck.

Likes: Sleeping at night, playing with the children, and protecting the nightguards.

Dislikes: everything else

Backstory: She's from a sister location, brought there when the owners decided they wanted a more anatomically correct animatronic. After awhile, she was the most favorite animatronic, next to Freddy. The other animatronics didn't like that, so they tore her apart, but one of the night guards put her back together and she's been protecting them ever since.


Reviewed By: Vixen! (WarriorCat87 (Bonnie showed up late for work))

Overall Opinion: I like the backstory on your character and how her appearance is a bit different from the animatronic we usually think of. One thing I wish you'd explained was why she was a hybrid animatronic animal and not a purebred (Fox and wolf instead of just fox or wolf). Also you never mentioned if CC was a possessed animatronic or artificial Intellegence. Her role in the band is also vague, but other than that it was great! 

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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