OC Review: hero_bell10

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Username: hero_bell10

OC name: Kimodo the Dragon


Appearance: A lime green dragon with a small orange spike on his head. Kimodo has a lime green tail and wings. His wings have three orange lines going down them. He sometimes wears a bowtie and tophat.

Likes: Children, friends, Maxwell (Other OC, which I would be happy to review as well.), and making people laugh.

Dislikes: Hurt friends, party poopers, Foxy (Nobody knows why.).

Backstory: Kimodo was stopped during his production. He was left in parts and services for a year until a man called Maxwell came in. He finished Kimodo's production. When Kimodo woke up, he became friends with Maxwell. The next day, Kimodo went on stage and performed for the first time. The kids loved him, so he stayed.

Questions about Kimodo

What role does Kimodo play in the band? (What instrument.)

Does he purposely kill night guards? Does he even go after them?

How did Maxwell know how to fix Kimodo?

Why does he wear the bow tie and top hat sometimes rather than always?

I like Kimodo's backstory. It explained who Maxwell was, and why Kimodo likes him. Another thing I like is the mysterious hate between him and Foxy. It is like a cliffhanger, everyone wants to know what happens next. I like the creativity, like including the spike, and overall just giving a very good description that allows me to visualize him. Overall, this OC is pretty good.

Rating: 4/5

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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