Morning Call?

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"CHRIS!!! CHRIS!!!!" I hear Dom shouting.


"You over slept they've all left already!"

I was surprised that they left me and Dom stayed behind.

"Thanks for staying behind to wake me dude!" I say to Dom bro fisting him.

Dom tosses me a bagel for my breakfast/lunch!

I eat it quickly but im still hungry. /)_-

Then suddenly the floor opens up and me and Dom fall into the void never to breath again!

"Chris!" Kiarra shouts waking me from my sleep

It was a dream i suppose. Ah never mind i guess it wasnt important.

We leave the cave after having breakfast.

"A lot of our friends are still in the city." I say.

"The city is gone..." Sara says jestiring towards the ruins that once used to be our home.

"There's also something you need to see..." Kiarra says bringing me over to mix and MGU.

They step aside to reveal the most shocking sight of my life!

Lying behind them was letsy... Lifeless.... Murdered!

"LETTUCE!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"We're sorry. But she died a hero." Sara says.

"Yes." The group all say.

"We got raided by Zombies and me and Sara were as good as dead but lettuce stepped in and got bitten by the zombie..." Kiarra explains to me.

I accept our loss after about an hour and get back to daily routine.

"Where's Dom?" I ask hoping that he didnt die too.

"He's gone hunting." Mix says.

"Phew! That's a relief! I thought he died as well!" I say with a slight tone of laughter and sorrow in my voice.

Once Dom joins us again we head off away from the village until we hear a cry from under a lot of rubble from a nearby building.

"HELP ME!" The voice screams.

"I know that voice anywhere!" Kiarra says.

"It's Vid!"

Kiarra along with Sara and MGU dig vid up and give him some food and medicine.

"Are you ok!?" Kiarra asks careingfully

"Yeah im fine." Vid says coughing a little.

"I was with Cherry when the building collapsed!" Vid says.

"Well where is she now!?" We all say turning over rocks in vein knowing that shes not here.

"She ran out the door telling me to hurry up and then the house came down." Vid says urgently.

Suddenly what's left of Kiarra's BlockBerry starts ringing!

"It's Cherry!" She shouts.

She answers it to hear a sudden shock.

"If you ever want to see your friend again come to your cave tonight." A grim voice says over the speaker.

"Who are y-" the person hangs up.

"Well that was rude!" Sara says taking her toy mudkip out of her bag.

"So much deaths... So... Much!!!" Mix screams and takes out a DIAMOND sword!

"What are you doing Mix!?" I shout.

She swings the sword at me and my mind goes blank...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2013 ⏰

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