Chapter 11

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~the next morning~
Gina's Point Of View

I wake the up the next morning in the same spot I was last night. My laptop probably died and my plate was still there. I take out my laptop charger and use an outlet for it to charge. I then get up and go into the bathroom to do my normal routine. I then get dressed (only because it was the weekend [pic above]). I grab my plate from last night and carefully walk out. Hoping that I don't wake up anyone I tip toe to the kitchen and quickly wash the dish. I was about to walk out when I felt someone behind me. I whip my head around to see Thomas. I was going to walk away but he grabbed me by the arm.

"Wait!! Don't leave! I need to tell you something. Well two actually." He begs.

"Make it quick" I demanded. He takes a deep breath.

"Look. I'm so so sorry for breaking my promise. I knew that it was supposed to be a secret. But I guess that I didn't think about your opinion when I told them. The were bound to find out anyway-"

"That I could easily tell them when I was ready. Not you. You had no right to tell them anything. It hurt me and you knew it!"

"I know and I regret it and I hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me" I knew that he meant it. He was sincerely sorry. I smile at that.

"No matter how many times you screw up I will always forgive you. So I forgive you Tommy" I knew he hated that nickname like how I hate it when he calls me Angel.

"Thank you Angel" we both smile and hug each other. But then I realize that he had something else to say.

"What was the second thing that you were going to tell me?" I ask. By the look on his face it wasn't good and that made me nervous.

"I decided to go back home" he announced.


"What? Why?" I ask frantically.

"I, along with the rest of the guys, decided that it was best if I went home. One because I was not a sacrificial bride and two, I miss home. I know this is a lot to take in but I didnt want to leave on a bad note. Please understand" he begs.

I hesitate. It was something to take in. But if he says that it is for the best then so be it.

"I guess that it is best if you go back home. But we have to talk frequently. Don't leave me in the dark. I'm gonna miss you like crazy but it's your decision. I'll go by that. When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow" I nod and try to fight back tears but for the past two weeks I was ignoring him. But he was still there for me. It's only fair. I hug him like my life depended on it. Trying to hold back tears, I gave him a shaky goodbye. I then tan up to my room. I then watched him get into the car. But before he did he looked at my window. I waved and fake smiled. He smiled at me and waved. He then got into the car and it left my sight. I then broke down. I couldn't take it. I just kept sobbing. Then someone came in and held me tight as I sobbed into his chest. It was someone I didn't expect.. ... .... Reiji........

Reiji's Point Of View

I was in my room still thinking about what happened. Did she really think of herself that way? A walking blood bag with a pretty face? I never thought of her like that. She's more than that even though she didn't realize it. I knew Thomas left. We discussed it yesterday whislt Gina was asleep. I was the snapped out of my thoughts when I heard crying. I walked out of my room and straight into Gina's. She was sobbing near her window seat. I instantly went to her side and held her tight. She kept sobbing, making my shirt wet in the process but I didn't care. I kept holding her until she stopped.

"Thank you............. Reiji........." She whispered before falling asleep. I smiled and picked her up bridal style and placed her in her bed. But before I could leave she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me down with her. She then snuggled into my chest and I felt my heart flutter. I then wrapped my arms around her and let myself go into the depths of darkness.

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