You're a wizard Harry

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"What've you got planned for the weekend?" Maggie asks me as we make our way to my house after school.
"Umm, not much really, I haven't got any homework so sleeping?"
"Wrong answer." She replies, her face full of smugness. "Bryce has a lake house a couple of hours away and we are going for the weekend." Yeah, no. I don't think so; me and Bryce have hardly spoken since the party and any words we have shared have been followed by awkward silences. Mags obviously sees the uncertainty in my face because she grabs my hand and pulls me in to my bedroom then shuts the door.
"Look, Cameron. I'm not exactly sure what happened between you and Bryce, well, I have an idea but it might not be correct because who knows what actually happened? I mean nobody does apart from you and Bryce but if you did anything with him, like had se-"
"Maggie! Keep on topic!" I cut her off.
"Right yeah, sorry. What I was going to say was, you need to put it behind you. Honestly, he's such a nice guy and you're really missing out. Just talk to him about it." She takes a deep breath and finishes her sentence, sending me a look that says 'you know I'm right'.
"Fineee, just for you though," She jumps up and hugs me whilst whispering something in my ear. "Mags what did you say? I can't understand you,"
"I said, dontmakeitobviousbutethanslookingatyouthroughthewindow," she lets out a big sigh then releases herself from our hug.
"Maggie. I. Don't. Understand. You." She rolls her eyes then gets up and makes her way towards the window, "shall we go swimming, Cammie?" She says loudly, leaning out of the window.
"Umm, but I thought we needed to pack?" I'm so confused as to why she's acting like this, she's so weird.
"Nah, let's swim first. If only there was somebody that lived near you that would swim with us." She all but shouts, once again out of the window. I shake my head then walk to my wardrobe, picking out a swimsuit to wear.
"Don't wear that," Maggie snaps, throwing my suit on the floor, "wear this instead," she pulls out a very revealing bikini that has cut-outs in the bottoms.
"Maggie, I'm swimming in my back garden, I have neighbors that I respect, I am not wearing that." I state, picking my swimsuit back up.
"Fine. You can wear it at Bryce's" she huffs, walking into my room to get her swimsuit also.
"Maggie?" I call, "just out of curiosity, what time to we have to be at Bryce's for?"
"Ermm, I think he said half seven, why?"
"Well if it takes two hours to get there we would have to leave at 5:30 plus packing and getting ready which takes about an hour, which leaves us at 4:30 aannd it's 4:15 now, so I don't think we have time for swimming. Sorry M,"
"No fair!" She's wines, throwing her hands up. I smirk at her, feeling satisfied about getting out of swimming then set about collecting clothes for the weekend.
"Cameron some ones at the door!" Maggie calls.
"Go get it then," I retort, being too lazy to care. She runs down the stairs to answer the door then races back up to me, " I really think you'll want to answer this, Cammie," the girl grins, scaring me slightly.
I walk downstairs and see two figures in the door way, two identical figures.
"Hey guys, what are you doing?" I ask Ethan and Grayson as they turn around.
"Well we were in the mood for swimming and thought we would see if you wanted to come?" Ethan asks, rather suspiciously.
"Oh, right." I turn to Maggie and see she has her eyebrows raised. "Oh, right," my mind flashes back to earlier before as she was shouting about swimming out the window. The sentence 'dontmakeitobviousbutethanslookingatyouthroughthewindow' rings a bell as I stand in the hallway. Don't make it obvious but Ethan's looking at you through the window. I can't help but laugh as I realise Maggie's lame attempt at getting Ethan to see me in my bikini.
"Sorry guys but we're actually packing," Maggie says, beaming at the boys, "we're going to Bryce's lake house for the weekend."
"Oh, cool. We're going too, aren't we, Grayson?!" Ethan's turns to Grayson, staring him out.
"Um, no? Bryce said we couldn't come because he doesn't like you?" He answers, looking at his twin as though he was stupid.
"No. He definitely said we could come. He asked me before." Ethan turns his attention back to Maggie and I, "don't suppose you two could give us a lift? We don't have licences yet."
And what makes you think we do?" I snap at Ethan.
"Everybody knows that Maggie has a box of fake ID's, including drivers licenses, it's not exactly a secret Cameron." Ethan sarcastically states, shaking his head at me. "We'll see you in an hour."

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