Paiges P.O.V
No way i have to show Maddie
*runs outside to Maddie*
Maddie i-i dont know how to tell you this but Josh kissed Chloe ir Chloe kissed Josh but whatever and i have a picture
Let me see she said ok suit yourself
*shows picture*
I cant believe he or she would do this and i thought we were friends grrrrrrrrrr she has something coming she better watch her backMaddies P.O.V
*after dance and at school*
Hey Maddie i heard JOSHS voice crap Maddie i ne- i cut him off what explain what that picture was well i dont want to listen

maddie and josh (a dance moms fanfic)
Randomthis is a story of Maddie and Josh, Josh likes Maddie and Maddie likes Josh they find out start dating but Chole doesnt like it read to find out what happens