tell lies

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Maddies P.O.V
Maddie i have to ask you something Josh said "ask away i said laughing
"Ok will me with my homework he said laughing with me
Su- "and be my girlfriend he said catching his breath from laughing
"No and yes no about homework and yes for girlfriend ya dork and i stuck my tounge out and ran to studio c and laughed and then i saw Kendall outside the door and she sat down and asked where Josh is and i asked why "because i need to tell him i really like him" no did she just say noo well she doesnt know im dating him i thought
"Uhhh n-no i stuttered
"Oh ok then" she said and ran off
I have to call Josh and tell him Kendall likes him and to meet me here
Joshs P.O.V
I chased Maddie into studio c and then saw Kendell go in and then i guess talked to Maddie a little and walked out like she was looking for somebody or something no is she looking for me i have a feeling she like me no no no
Well im gonna go get Maddie

maddie and josh (a dance moms fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now