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Long blond hair that fell in curls with blue eyes more endless than the sea, Alice Kingsley was indeed beautiful. She wore silk dresses made by only the finest set of hands, she learned manners and proper etiquette, she studied even though there was no need and she was about to be married off like any other girl. Her fiancée was Duke Baron's first son Louis, and her mother couldn't have been more proud.

Alice was happy of course, charmed by Louis and the future he promised, but what was true happiness? Was it truly just having your life planned out for you without a single detail not going according to plan? Alice was rather adventurous and would choose to go hunting than to go to a ball. A life of carefree happiness did not suit her, and she did not suit it. Alice had once thought of the prospect of declining Louis's offer to be his wife, but even though Alice was adventurous, she was no fool. Declining the soon-to-be Duke's marriage proposal would be preposterous.

However, Alice will soon learn that everything is not what it seems and that everyone has a choice, they just might not see them.

Important author's note:
I do not own Alice in Wonderland or any of the characters except for the ones I made from my own imagination (I may have also modified original character's names, personalities, etc.)
The plot is only similar to Alice in Wonderland, I promise there will be MANY differences from the original.
If you like the original, I encourage you to read on and find out which one you like better.
Even if you don't like Alice in Wonderland I hope you will read on!

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