Trent's Past

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Niff.Fangirl.Forever: Guys No! We shouldn't have said that now the_artistt21 wants to know :(

My.Cat.Loves.Me: Awe trent Why it can't be that bad!

Niff.Fangirl.Forever: But it is that bad Hunter!

Blonde_Warbler: Tell us! Tell us!

Not.A.Meerkat: Everyone stop typing so Trent can tell us!

Niff.Fangirl.Forever is typing...

You.Mock.Us.Sir: YAY TRENT'S PAST!

Niff.Fangirl.Forever: Well I went to McKinley for awhile no one really liked me....I was bullied and when I came out as just went downhill..

Gavel_Boy: Awe Trent were your friends....don't worry

Niff.Fangirl.Forever: I was forced to come to dalton....that's all i should really say

Blonde_Warbler's_Boyfriend: Trent what happened in the past is in the past buddy

Niff.Fangirl.Forever: Yeah I know...

Warbler_Council: the_artistt21 you hurt! Jk we love you

Niff.Fangirl.Forever:the_artistt21 is my shopping buddy from now on ask questions where ever peace

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