I need him

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*Sebastian missed Hunter like crazy so he went after him*

Seb's P.O.V
I never thought I'd see the day where I would travel to a different state just for a boy.It hurt not having Hunter. It was like a piece of my life was gone.So,I got on a plane and flew to Colorado Springs.Once he arrive he ran to Hunter's mansion it looked exactly how Hunter had described it. I didn't even knock on the door. I ran in I needed him badly and I was scared I would lose him. I knew his parents were homophobic so he hasn't came out in fear of losing everyone he loves.I ran into Hunter's room he showed me once in a photo.I seen him about to hang himself "Hunt no!". I ran over and hugged him tight "I'm sorry we were being distant I told them I was helping you and they said they'll give you some space" I cried for the first time in years.

Hunter's P.O.V
"It's fine i'm just glad you stopped me" If I was to know that's what this was all about i'd still be at dalton.I trust the warbler's there like my family(Or a brotherhood of voices). I was sadly still confused on who I was"Can we go back to Dalton tomorrow and you can just stay here tonight" Once Sebastian agreed and layed on my bed, I changed into sweats and a T-Shirt "Can I kiss you" I asked shyly."Yes Hunt, you don't need to ask i'm still helping you" I nodded and kissed him full of passion and lust then pulled away and layed next to Sebastian with my head on his chest as joined the group chat once more.

*in the group chat*

My.Cat.Loves.Me has joined the chat invited by Not.A.Meerkat

My.Cat.Loves.Me: I'm so sorry

Niff.Fangirl.Forever: No were sorry for leaving you alone

Not.A.Meerkat: Don't worry he told me has depression So i'll be helping with his sexuality and his depression.

My.Cat.Loves.Me:We'll be back tomorrow guys I almost tried...to like kill myself so could you just like keep an eye on me cause I don't trust myself....

You.Mock.Us.Sir:Of course! Your our friend Hunter! But are you and Sebastian together

Blonde_Warbler: SAY YES

My.Cat.Loves.Me: I think i'm bi...i'm not sure tho....i'm still questioning guys...i'm sorry....but maybe cause I sorta like him

*Hunter falls asleep in Sebastian's protective arms*

*Warblers put bows and hair chalk in Mr.Puss's fur*

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