The Brily Date!

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[Bruce is online.]

[Lily is online.]

Bruce: ready to go?

Lily: yeah I'll be there in Ah-Ah-AhChoo! *sneezes*.

Bruce: are you sick!?

Lily: *in stuffy voice*, yeah I'm sick I don't think I should go tonight I'm sorry Brucie!

Bruce: it's ok, how about I come over and we can watch movies and eat popcorn with the lights turned down like we would've done anyway?

Lily: yes!, I'd love that!

Bruce: ok, be there in 5!

Lily: ok!

[Bruce is now over at Lily's room.]

Lily: *sneezes*, I love this movie!

Bruce: yeah the muppets is a pretty cool movie!

Lily: I'm sorry I couldn't make it to our actual date tonight I feel so bad, *looks down in shame*.

Bruce: *moves Lily's chin to look at him in the eyes, and smiles at her*, don't worry believe me this is better, you make me calm, I've never been this in love with anyone, ever, and you make me so, so, so, happy and I really wonder what makes you think that I'm mad because we didn't go out like we originally planned, it doesn't matter to me where we are at as long as I'm with you, and I couldn't be happier, Lily, I love you, *takes Lily's hand*, and you make me feel different, a good different, like something I've never felt before, *gets down on one knee*, *pulls out diamond ring*, So Lily, Will You Marry Me?

Lily: *starts crying*, Oh Bruce! Yes of course I'll Marry You!

Bruce: *smiles really big*, *slides ring on Lily's finger*, good I'm so happy!

Lily: I love you Bruce!

Bruce: I love you too Lily! *kisses Lily*.

Lily: *kisses Bruce back*.

Bruce: let's go tell everyone!

Lily: yeah!

[Lily and Bruce are now in the party room Of Stark Towers.]

[The Rest Of The Avengers Are Online.]

Tony: Clint!, you will never beat me!

Clint: no! I will beat you!

Steve: Nat honey stop pulling Thor's hair!

Nat: fine!, Thor can I braid your hair?

Thor: yes!

Nat: yay!, *starts braiding Thor's hair*.

Bruce: hey guys!, we have an announcement!

Lily: yeah!

Everyone else: we're listening!

Bruce: ok so me and Lily.

Lily: we have and announcement!

Bruce/Lily: we're Engaged!

Everyone else: Congratulations!

Bruce/Lily: thanks!

Tony: 0.O...... Uh oh!

Bruce: what?

Tony: Pepper just texted me, the baby is coming!

Bruce: let's go!

[Everyone has went to Pepper.]

[Pepper is online.]

Pepper: it's about time Tony!

Tony: sorry! Let's get you to the hospital!

Pepper: there's no time! Miles is coming now!

Bruce: I can help! I'll get Miles here safe and sound!

Pepper: ok! Hurry!

Tony: I'll save you! *takes Pepper's hand*.

[Everyone is offline.]

[The Chatroom Has Been Empty For 15 Minutes.]

[The Avengers and Pepper are online.]

Pepper: aww, he's so cute!

Tony: he looks like me!

Bruce: he's so sweet!

Lily: adorable!

Clint: so cute!

Rain: I want one!

Clint: don't look at me!

Steve: he looks just like Tony and Pepper!

Nat: hey Steve, guess what?

Steve: hmm?

Nat: I'm pregnant!

Steve: *face lights up*, *gets excited*, that's so great!, I'm so happy *twirls Nat around*, *kisses nat*, I can't wait!

Nat: me either!

Everyone else: congratulations Steve and Nat, Tony and Pepper!

Steve/Nat: thanks!

Tony/Pepper: thanks!

Tony: *watches Miles open his eyes for the first time*, oh my gosh look he opened his eyes!

Pepper: aww, hi Miles!

Tony: aww!

Everyone else: aww!

[Everyone has logged off.]

[The Chatroom Is Now Empty.]

Yay baby Miles Edward Stark is here!, and there is a Baby Romanogers on the way! I hope you guys liked this chapter!, please keep reading and please comment!!!!!!

-The Author emily036

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