Chapter 2

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Hola mi amigos~ I don't have much to say so let's get on with the chapter.... HAHA I lied but if you see a italicized words that means they are a different language and the meaning will be at the end of the chapter. Ok let's begin...

~Your POV~

"Ughhh....What hit me?" I moaned as I opened my eyes. I appeared to be outside, but everything seemed a little off. The trees and grass that surrounded me were cartoonish. They didn't have much detail to them. I looked down at my hands, which also had little detail.
"What the heck..." I mumbled as I stood up. Looking around, I saw a small pond and ran over to it. As I sat down besides it I looked in. My eyes were...anime-like. The (e/c) parts were large and my eye lashes seemed more...together. My lips weren't really defined and my mouth was kind of just a line on my face, as well as my nose. My (h/l), (h/c) hair was just a solid color with light refletions.
"Weird." I said standing up again and walking to the edge of the clearing I was in. I made my way past a small line of trees and let out a sigh of relief. I was now on a sidewalk, in a park. Sitting down on a park bench, I noticed a small group of men running up the sidewalk. I watched as they got closer and almost vomited in surprise ( Am I the only one that does that?). It was, or really good lookalikes, Germany, Japan, and Italy. It appeared they were training when the lookalike Germany shouted out a small order. I broke my gaze away from the group, not wanting to look like a creep.
"Ciao, pretty lady!" I heard an Italian voice shout. No way....that's not possible. It sounded exactly like Italy. I glanced up again to see a auburn haired man with a curl on the left side. He had his eyes closed, but I knew exactly what color they were.
"U-um h-h-hi..." I stuttered as I waved slightly. This could not be happening, and this could not be Italy. The man grabbed a small daisy out of who knows where and gave it to me.
"Here you go~! Bella ragazza~!" He said with an adorable little smile. I blushed a million shades of red and looked at the small white flower in my hand.
"Thanks..." I murmured, twirling the flower in my hand.
"I'm Feliciano Vargas but you can call me Feli!" Italy said as he floated around in the air. I smiled at his weird antics and watched him.
"I'm (y/n)." I said as Feli finally floated back down. He gave a small laugh and grabbed my hand.
"That's a pretty name (y/n)! I want you to come meet my friends~!" He said as he dragged me towards the other two.
"Okay~! So the tall blonde one is Ge-Ludwig and the short one is Kiku. They are my best friends in the whole wide world! Well Ludwig can be kind of mean but I know he likes me! As a friend of course but you get the idea! And Kiku is boring and always likes this 'personal space'...." Feli started ramble. I nodded blindly and started to zone out. I watched as other anime-like people walked past us. Everyone looked different but at the same time everything was the same. Kids were playing in a playground, there were people rushing to get to work, and there was that one creepy guy who stood alone in front of a wall. Wait what?
"Ludwig! Kiku! Look it I made a new friend~!" I snapped back into reality when I heard Feli shout over at his friends. I saw Ludwig sigh and walk over to us.
"Feliciano, vhy vould jou run off like zat und make uz vorry zick?" He said, rubbing his forehead. Feli gave a dopey smile and shrugged his shoulders.
"Well~ I didn't want to train then I saw (y/n) sitting on a bench and I made sure you weren't looking so th-"
"OKAY! Jou don't need to tell uz a step by step story on how jou met zomevone." Ludwig interrupted, breaking Feli's rant. Feli instantly stopped and rocked in place, waving hi arms a little.
"Vell mien name iz Ludvig Beilschmidt." Lugwig said, giving me a small nod in greeting. I smiled at him and turned towards Japan.
"Konnichiwa. I'm Kiku Honda." Kiku stated emotionlessly. I nodded and tucked some of my (h/c) hair behind my ear.
"Well, I'm (y/n) (l/n)! It's nice to meet you." I said.

Okay yes I know, short chapter. It's just that I was having trouble moving on from that point and I think it fits nicely as an ending. And I know that I haven't updated in a while, it's just that I've been going through a little writers block. But anyways I hope you liked it. So before I forget here are the translations (which might be wrong because I use Google *hides*).
Konnichiwa = Hello in Japanese
Ciao = Hello in Italian ( I think)
Bella ragazza = Beautiful/Pretty girl in Italian
That's all the translations for now and just to warn you, you may see those words again. Also I hope I did good on the accents, I might have overdone Germany's *rubs neck* yeah...
ANYWAYS I don't think there's anything more to be said. I honestly don't know it's like 11 at night.
See you soon (?)

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