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Slowly, you could feel yourself come around. You blinked your (e/c) eyes a few times, adjusting to the faces that hovered over you.

"Thank God, she's waking up." England sighed, slapping America in the face once more. Germany, who was extremely close to you, grabbed your hands and pulled you up from your sprawled out position on the floor.

"Here, take zis." Germany said, and was handed a water bottle by Finland. You took it, opened it, and continued to take a drink.

"Thanks..." You mumbled, face flushed a bright red. I can't believe I just passed out in front of the people I've sold my soul to, you thought as your eyebrows furrowed. Germany grunted in a reply to your thanks and straightened his suit tie.

" should get back to zhe meeting." Germany announced, trying to move past your whole episode. Everyone collectively groaned, and moved back to their seats. You stood awkwardly by the door until Australia patted a chair next to him.

"Come sit 'ere, darling." He said, his koala giving you a double thumbs up. Or claw up? Whatever. You walked around to the chair and sat down, wringing your fingers together. The feeling of being watched was almost overwhelming. Why can't I just be whelmed for a change? You thought, thinking to that episode of Young Justice you watched. Robin was cool.

"Alright, who's turn iz it to prezent?" Germany asked, his ice blue eyes scanning the room. A hand went up, pointer finger and middle finger crossed, and Japan made his way up to the computer up in the front of the room. The computer was connected to an advanced projector, able to play video, power points, and other business related things.

"For our probrem with grobar warming, I suggest w-"

"Oh for the love of- Why do we always talk about global warming? Why not financial issues for a change?!" Switzerland interrupted, his forest green eyes narrowed. Germany sighed tiredly, massaging his nose bridge.

"Switzerland please..." He groaned, closing his eyes. The blonde country huffed, and crossed his arms across his chest.

"The little hedgehog is right, money is the only priority." Netherlands stated, ignoring Belgium's facepalm. You started to internally scream, a derpy smile spread across your face.

"Money is nothing." Greece stated from his chair at the corner of the table. The brown haired country was petting a small white cat as other cats were in his pockets, on his lap, in his hair, and even around his chair. Netherlands glared at the lazy country, but Greece simply played with his cats.

"Aye, aye, aye! Everyone's acting pretty loco right Roma?" Spain asked his grumpy lov- I mean- friend. Romano's frown darkened and his face turned red.

"SHUT UP STUPID TOMATO BASTARD. " He shouted and slapped the Spaniards on the head.

"EEEE FRATELLO PLEASE CALM DOWN!" Italy screeched and jumped up from his spot, running around the table to engulf Romano in a hug. Romano roared angrily and screamed his heart content. Prussia started laughing, only to get hit in the head with a plant by Hungary (her frying pan privileges had been taken away). The albino country fell out his chair, hitting his head on the table on the way down. Austria watched the chaos ensue in front of him as his girl attacked the stupid Prussian. Denmark was playing with Legos (I do not own Legos) and accidentally ate one when it rocketed off America's head. Don't ask. Anyways, the Dane was choking on the floor, twitching every few seconds. Norway knew he could help Denmark but didn't. Everything and everyone was in complete discord. You sat there with a dead smile and glanced around the room. Germany was really REALLY really REALLY close to killing someone and his face was beet red. Damn son, he's gonna scream, you thought. And he did.

"I SVEAR TO GOTT I VILL CAUSE ANOZER VORLD VAR AND ZEN EAT JOUR HEARTS OUT!!!" The angry hot blonde German dude shouted and slammed his hands on the table. The rest of the countries stopped in their places, well, besides Finland because he actually got worried when Denmark wasn't moving. Germany rubbed his temples and sighed really loudly.

"I'm too old for this...Japan, carry on please--Just don't talk about global warming." The hot muscles sighed and sighed some more. Japan nodded and shuffled to the projector thingy and clicked a few buttons.

"Okay my new presentation is on the effects of financiar dependencies....bla bla bla..." Japan's voice quickly lulled you to sleep.


I blinked my eyes and yawned. Glancing around, I saw most of the countries had left, besides the Allies, Axis, and Nordics.

"Hey dudette! Finally awake! HAHAHA!!!" America laughed and pulled me out of my seat. I screeched and stumbled backwards when he all of a sudden let me go. Catching myself, I glared at the American.

"I wish I could be mad at you but you are just a cinnamon roll, so I cannot." I hissed at 'Murica and he just laughed again. Germany sighed and pulled a hat out of--seemingly nowhere.

"Okay, zo ve decided zat jou are going to stay vith whichever group jou pull out of this hat, is zat okay?" Germany asked and raised the hat up to me. I nodded and closed my eyes. I fumbled around in the hat for a little until I grasped a slip of paper. I pulled it out to see it read...




So, each slip of paper had a group name on it:


But, to keep this a mystery, you must choose from the numbers 1, 2, or 3.

I won't tell you which group associates with each number.

Choose wisely.

This determines your fate.

-Vote here for Slip 1

-Vote here for Slip 2

-Vote here for Slip 3


I'll wait until about 10 votes or so, so vote quickly for a new chapter.

with dark love,

y'all this garbage is sold, but i'll keep it up for kicks n grinsWhere stories live. Discover now