Loneliness is blue like sadness.
It tastes like a sour lime with salt on it.
It smells like rotten food and causes madness.
For fun it likes to do nothing but bad things.
While almost everything makes it angry
Everything makes it sad,
But nothing makes it happy.Loneliness is smaller than you and me,
But bigger than peoples' minds.
Happiness is its enemy,
But nothing can be its friend.
Loneliness keeps its happy feelings in a secret place.
Its favorite place is in peoples' minds.
But it hates to be anywhere else.
Making people feel bad is its greatest success.
Not cheering people up it is greatest failure.
Loneliness makes me feel as sad as a deserted island.A/N: Not too long ago my parents went through a divorce. Sometimes, I feel very lonely and have to try and fight those feelings that lie deep in my mind. This is one of my emotion splurges.
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PoesíaAll of these are from my account on allpoetry.com If you want to check out my profile.. the username is RebelLoveSongxx I hope you enjoy these poems!!