20 amazing facts about me

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it's late at night, i'm sitting in a recliner and my doggie is licking my toes, so i thought 'wat the hell, i'll do this for no reason at all except i wanted to tell people something but not in a message on my message board' i'm not kidding but here it goes 20 amazing facts about me

1: my name is molly

2: sometimes my mind messes up and instead puts two of the letters before the actual double letters so it would be like 'mooly'

3: my friend calls me mooly and i call him jaysooooon, like i literally screeched his name like that

4: i sometimes say eleventeen by accident. i also do the same with Canada and say canadia (you know like canadian but without the n)

5: i am scared my dog is going to run into a tree and kill herself because she runs so fast

6: i have a thing called OCD and it is like a little person in my head trying to scare me and it's stoopid

7: i sometimes watch dr phil while i write

8: i have a recurring dream about me and some talking pants 

9: i am in eighth grade

10: my summer lunch usually has mac'n'cheese

11: when i was younger, for some reason, i was convinced i was a robot and my parents built me in the basement. all of the hospital videos were faked in my mind (this is the thing i dont know why i had to tell people this)

12: I still watch spongebob (why the hell not?)

13: i say shenanigans instead of shit or the alternative for fudge

14: i have drawn a dick 2 times by accident in the duration of two school years. one was in front of my whole english class in sixth grade and i was blindfolded so i couldn't see what i was doing, but my teacher asked me if i needed to go to the principal i couldn't stop laughing

15: having a molly moment is doing something really stupid (like spelling a really easy word wrong or putting in the wrong double letters)

16: I come up with ideas for books while i shower, as i shampoo and i think

17: i cant dance for the life of me. i dance like i am either having an upright seizure or dancing like i am already drunk

18: dr pepper is like my alcohol. if i drink too much of it i am kinda drunk-ish and giggly

19:i have the strangest sense of humor. i laugh at anything pretty much but my own humor that comes out of my mouth is sarcasm and really bad puns

20: i play trumpet, but it isnt playing, its more like screeches coming out of the insturment

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