Illusion -7

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"Don't make a sound and mr.Curly guy will be fine."he whispered in my ear.

Ugh perfect! Now he has harry and me kidnapped..... Or should i say Planenapped.

Lol get it?
Ok, i get it I'm not that funny....

I'm hilarious!

Dang it! There i go again im so deep in my thoughts that i didn't even realize that we had started walking already .

Way to go Carter.



I was walked into a black room with no light.
Again... How many times have i been in a Dark room??

"Is he still knocked over?" i heard a voice say.

Maybe it's the same guy that Planenapped me!!

"Yeah i just came from the room." another guy answered.

They do realize that I'm at the other side of the room Right??... Oh well!

"Damn it! I told you to Konock him out Not kill Him!!" The guy from earlier shouted.

"I didn't!! That kid is just weak! Can't handdle punches."

"Whatever, i have better things to do than waste my time here."

On what?
He does realize that we are in a plane... A flying plane.
Were else could he go?

"Stupid." i thought.

"So i see you're awake." a masked guy asked me.

Well i thought i said it in my head.

"Um... Uh No!... Im,uh...
Slee-p walk-ing" i said while holding my hands up and walking like a zombie.

I heard a chuckle before hearing his voice again " you're an very amusing girl.." He shaked his head before continuing. "Too bad that isn't gonna save you." he grabbed me arm.

I let out a yelp from his grasp.

"Let's go visit you're boyfriend,Shall we?" he began dragging me.

"He's not my boyfriend." i stared at him blankly.

"Well see about that."

Me? And Harry? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Yeah no! What if he doesn't like me?
I don't even like him... Right?

I mean they do say 'if thing's don't go right... Go shut yourself in a bathroom and cry" well at least i think that's how it went...

"Were here." the masked guy said.

Hmm.. I should probably name them...

You! Shall be Thing 1 and mr.guy who is holding me shall be thing 2.

Yeah! Thing 1 and Thing 2! Love it ! I rock giving name to stranger's i should probably make my own show...

"Carter!" i heard Harry shout.

Whoah! How long have i been Daydreaming?
Who cares? I found Harry!!!

Without a doubt i shouted his name back.


I kept on banging on the door and screaming.

"Let me out! Open the freaking Door!!!" but it was no use no one could hear me.

"Open The door!" i still kept on trying i was losing hope.

That was until i heard the metal door finally open.

"Greetings my dear friend. It's great to finally see you again." a masked guy said.

"Well it's not the same for me since it's you who were talking about." i shrugged.

"I didn't even want to see you."i crossed my arms over my chest.

"Oh well, then i guess you wouldn't want to see your little friend either." he pulled out Carter..

"Carter!" i yelled out of Happiness and worriednes.

"Harry!" she shouted back.

I started walking towards her but mr.masked guy stopped me.

"Not so soon Styles." he pulled Carter behind him.

I froze in my spot.
"How do you know my last name?" i spat the words out without thinking.

He shook his head while taking his mask off.

Oh no it's not true... It can't be.

"Hello Harry." he smirked.

This must be an illusion.This isn't happening.

It's Niall.


Ok quick note.
I imagine Carter as Taylor but you can imagine carter as whoever you want ok? Ok.

Now that that's clear i will tell you something else.. Plz read my other fanfic called : The mermaid secret. Thank you!



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