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"Ms. Ames, hi, my name is Dean Harper an-"

"Not interested." I told him and tried to get around him.

"Oh, I am not trying to pick you up, my client... you see, he was wondering if he could meet up with you." He stopped me and I looked up at him.

"If your client wants another lawyer why doesn't he just come himself?" I asked crossing my arms and he gulped. "I have to be in court in 3 minutes." I told him and tried to move around him and something shifted when he touched my arm.

"You're a wolf... and a witch?" I looked at his hand before his face and saw his eyes glowing. "He was right." He whispered pulling his hand away and looking me up and down with a curious gaze.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I am human. I don't have fleas and I sure as hell don't like dogs." I told him and gave him my best 'you're crazy' look before rushing from his presence and into the courthouse before getting the last space in the elevator.

I closed my eyes and got on with my day. Worked through lunch, happy that it was Friday, and then when I was leaving I heard the familiar voice of that Dean guy earlier and went out the back way towards a bar.

I walked in and ordered one shot of tequila and threw it back before hearing someone clear their throat behind me. "One more please." I called to the bartender when he was about to pass.

"Ms. Ames?" I turned my head and looked up to the tall man with a notch in his eyebrow. "Nice to see you again."

"And you are?" Better to play stupid and be innocent than to smirk and make it worse.

"I'm Mark Jacobs... the man your client suddenly changed his mind about just yesterday morning." He said before grabbing ahold of my elbow and sending shivers along my body. He growled again and I started breathing harder as he pulled me along towards the back before pushing me into the women's bathroom that was thankfully empty.

"What do you want?" I asked leaning far away from him as he locked the door behind him. He came closer and looked over his face and just couldn't control my reaction to how hot he was. And the notch wasn't there for no reason, it was a scar, one that made me wonder what happened.

"How could you be mine, you smell of witch." He asked shoving my shoulder and I hardened my wondrous look into a glare.

"You're fucking welcome asshole. If I hadn't used my powers to get you out of there you would have been serving 20 years at least." I seethed and turned to walk out the bathroom door he just pushed us both through.

"Take back your spell or whatever." He growled to me and I looked back at him.

"Why would I want you under my spell. You blew up my clients house and look at me like I am a piece of gum on your shoe. Just walk away and forget about me." I told him before pushing to door open and muttering a protection spell so he couldn't touch me.

"I don't even know your first name." He called and I looked back at him before going through the thick crowd of the bar and making it outside before running towards the bus that was at the right place at the right time.

I leaned back on the back door and waited the couple stops before getting off and going my house to change. I put on some jeans, a tight tank top and put my hair up in a top bun before walking out and getting in my car.

I drove to the store and was walking around with a small basket when I felt someone walk up behind me. I moved forward again and looked over my shoulder seeing Mark there.

"Ms. Ames."

"Do I have to call the cops? This is considered stalking, especially if that Dean guy works for you." I told him and kept walking down the aisle looking for the right chocolate.

Protector (The Ames Sisters Book 1)[complete]Where stories live. Discover now