Chapter 14

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Shantelle laid back on the little bed in the doctor's office . She sat her bare feet on the silver foot rests.

Her doctor came in and check between her legs. She was making sure the baby was where it needed to be. It was the day Shantelle and Cam would find out  the sex of the baby.

Shantelle was filled with anticipation. She was nervous as well. She really wanted a girl, and everyone was jinxing her luck saying she was expecting a boy. She would have been disappointed,but will still love her baby unconditionally.

Cam sat there watching the doctor move the gel around shantelle's  belly. Anxiety was eating him alive. He was ready to know what the sex of the baby would be.

The doctor moved the little camera around shantelle's stomach searching for what seems to be the private area. 

The doctor searched for about one more minute before her eyes started to indicate a smile coming on.

" well mom and dad it looks like you guys will be expecting a baby boy."

" yes!" Cam jumped up and shouted in the room. Shantelle and the doctor looked at him as if he was crazy.

" I'm sorry I'm just so excited I prayed for a little boy and I'm getting him "

Shantelle thought it was extremely cute how Cameron got so excited over the sex of the baby. She watched well admired him. She missed him not his dick cause she was getting that when ever she wanted it. She actually missed him. The late night talks, the love making from both parties she honestly was missing everything about Cameron. The one deep dimple in his left cheek when he smiles. Shantelle missed it. As much as she tried to play it off She was still in love with that boy. Her mind may have being saying one thing but her heart and soul was saying another.

"Well mom and dad your next appointment is next month you'll be seven months at that point and I need to see if the baby is progressing like he should be"

Cam and Shantelle both nodded. The doctor cleaned Shantelle off then they got their things and headed out the door.

They were in the car when Cam heard shantelle's belly make that familiar sound.

" hungry?"  Cam asked nervously

" yeah I am" Shantelle replied with a slight smile. The look on Cameron's face made Shantelle laugh.

Cam was surprised. Usually when he asked Shantelle if she was hungry or not she would reply with a smart ass remark.

" um you want some KFC?" He asked nervously. He wasn't for getting grilled by Shantelle today he was happy, and wasn't trying to ruin that.

" No. I really have a taste for Famous Dave's" she said sweetly. Cameron hadn't heard Shantelle speak this calm and cool to him since she had been pregnant. Famous Dave's was across town, but he was gonna still take her he wasn't up for the yelling he was trying to keep her in the mood she was already in.

About 20 minutes later they arrived at the restaurant. Cam got out the car  and opened the door for Shantelle. He watched as she slid out of the car. The pink sundress looked beautiful on her. He held the door for her as she walked into Famous Dave's.

Cameron walked over to the carry out line he had no intentions of sitting Down and having a meal with Shantelle. So when Shantelle said a table for two he was more than shocked. The hostess showed them to there table . Cameron pulled out the chair for her and she sat down.

" why you ain't want carry out?" At this point he didn't care if she would spaz out or not. He needed to know what was to her.

"Cause I wanted to sit down and eat with ummm celebrate" she lied.

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