What would you do?

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Ok, so this isn't a story, it's just a random question that I ask my bro's and friends.

This question is related to the scary movie. "The Ring." You know where that creepy girl comes out of the TV. Yeah that sort of thing. Actually you don't have to watch the movie to answer this question, you can just select one of the following answers.

Da Question:

If you were alone in your apartment, and you hear your TV turn on by it's self and suddenly you see this creepy girl with her hair covering her face craw out of the TV would you...

A) Run like crazy out of the house

B) Just continue what ever you were doing like nothings happening

c) Throw whatever you can at the girl crawling out of the TV

D) Throw the TV out the window

E) Turn the TV upside down so the screen in facing the floor

F) none of the above.

I hope you enjoyed, comment down below which one you would pick. If you picked 'F' let me know what you would do instead.

If you want to watch the trailer of "The Ring" it's shown above If you want to watch the movie....GL cause I've watched it once, and....I got a tape from my science teacher and I was like..oh hell no

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