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  • Dedicated to Fip Adams

So, I listen to the radio (I know, so 19th century.) and I heard this really nice song. One of the lines was 'I shoulda brought you flowers.' so... Maybe that's my inspiration for this chapter. Feel free to give me suggestions or prompts for new chapters, I'll use as many as I can.

Bowties and scarves,



The Doctor had come up with the brilliant idea of taking Clara to Vegas for an early birthday present but, well, they got stuck on a sub, during the cold war, with an ice warrior. He loved the TARDIS dearly but she had a mind of her own sometimes, which she did.

"Where to?" The Doctor asked spinning a full 360 degrees.

"The land of fashion sense." Clara replied cheekily.

The Doctor sighed. "Yes, well, not an actual place."

Clara faked a pout. "Well, let me dress you."

"W-what? Here, now?" He blushed as he saw her raise a brow.

"Down boy."

"I- I didn't, shut up!" His blush darkened and he crossed his arms.

She smiled. "Seriously though. You do look like a twelve year old history teacher." Seeing the look on his face she tacked on. "Not that it's a bad thing."

"Two generations ago I wore leather. One generation ago I wore pin-stripes." He replied. "It's been an upward slope."

She raised her brow again and looked from his toes up. "You in leather?" She started laughing.

"I'm serious!"

"Okay, I suppose your fashion sense can wait. As long as you don't wear monk robes again." She smiled at him. "Where to?"

"I don't have a clue. It's your turn to decide." He grinned back pushing his flop of hair from his eyes, he really did need to cut it sometime, it had grown.

"You know, lets go somewhere in the future." She thought about her next condition for the trip. "Without dead bodies on the floor."

"Alright!" He hopped to the console and started pressing buttons like mad. "To D3-E-X2!"

The TARDIS whirred and rumbled and rocked. Clara took hold of the railing to keep from falling while the Doctor ran around like a madman. He was kind of like a madman, a madman in a blue box Clara thought to herself, The Madman of the blue box. She smiled as she thought not focusing on the fact that her grip was slipping. As soon as she landed on the floor she snapped back to reality and stood back up and held onto the railing much tighter. They landed a few seconds later and the Doctor checked outside the door first. Definitely D3-E-X2.

 "We have landed!" He called out for fun.

"Correct place?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"Correct time?"

"I think so."

"Correct color?"


"I dunno. Lets go." She laughed

He put his arm out for her and she took it. "Allonsy."


They had had a pleasant day on the planet. The locals were happy to see the Doctor since he had saved them from a Dalek attack many regenerations ago and had welcomed him and Clara in with much enthusiasm. He and Clara had taken a carriage, well, a floating carriage, into the countryside. The grass had grown tall and yellow while the trees were delicate and of many different colors. When they had found a nice spot the Doctor laid a blanket down and they ate some food the locals had sent with them. They were now happily lying on the blanket pointing out funny shapes in the darkening clouds.

"That's a werewolf." The Doctor said pointing above himself.

"I don't see it." Clara responded squinting.

"Right there, here scoot over and look from my perspective." He moved himself over a bit so she could see the cloud.

She moved herself and she could just feel his side against hers. "I still don't se- oh, wait, I see it!" She smiled.

"Cool eh?"

"Very. Though, I think I see a bowtie shaped one. Right there." She pointed to the left.

He squinted and saw it. "See, bowties are cool."

She laughed. "Well..."

"Admit it." He turned his head towards her. "Bowties are cool."

"Maybe." She smiled mischievously as she turned her head away from him and back to the clouds.

He laughed, "I'll take that."


After a while of trying to get Clara to admit that bowties were cool the Doctor realized the time.

"We should probably get back to the TARDIS. It's not nice after dark around here." He stood up and offered and hand for her to grab.

"Really now?" She took it and pulled herself up and straightened her dress.


They began their journey back to the carriage. When they got to the carriage the Doctor opened the door for Clara. He was pretending to be a gentleman. The carriage ride got too quiet for the Doctor and he started speaking.

"How have you been liking the trips so far?"

"I love them. Maybe not the dead bodies bit but I love it." She kept her head looking out the window. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Strange man comes, you know barely anything about him, and you trust him. I've never understood that." He laughed, humans.

"We humans do strange things." She replied smiling at him. "Sometimes we even dream about falling of clouds and being in asylums."

"I suppose humans do. A mystery worth solving."


The towns leader, Garx-ya, wished them good luck in their next travels and they left showing once again the de-materialization of the TARDIS to the towns people. It had been a nice day and now Clara was very tired. 

"I'm off to bed." She said from the corridor.

"What? Don't you want to hangout?"

"If I weren't so tired I would." She replied to his small pout. 

"Okay, it'll give me time to plan a trip." He nodded turning around to face the console. "Good night Clara Oswald."

"Goodnight Doctor." Clara went into her room, the one place that the TARDIS didn't mess with, and fell asleep almost instantly in her big, comfy, red blanketed bed.

The Doctor waited a bit before walking past her room. He didn't want to wake her but he also wanted to check on her. When he opened the door he saw her, in her bed, sleeping peacfully. She was curled up with the covers laying neatly around her signifying no nightmares. He should leave something for her, buscuits, jammy dodgers. Yes. He thought aloud in a quiet mumble and went to the kitchen. The arragement would be the same as last time. He brought her a plate of jammy dodgers and put some flowers behind them, girls liked flowers, right? After he did the arragement he left, he needed to plan the next adventure. 

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