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Clara woke up slowly. She hadn't felt so calm in such a long time since the Doctor and her had hardly ever stopped running, did he even sleep? When she noticed the arrangement on her bed stand she smiled. Soon she got up dressed herself in her favorite red dress and walked out of her room and almost into the Doctor. He wasn't wearing a bowtie, weird.

"Hello chinboy." She said taking a step back. "Waiting outside my door?"

"What? No, I-I no." He blushed. He had been waiting but not outside her door. "Shutup."

She smiled, "Where to?"

"Dunno, I got bored while I planned. Do you know how boring it is too plan an outing? Very boring, especially since I don't do plans." He rambled.

Clara began too laugh. "Rambling Doctor." She reminded him placing a finger to his lips.

He shutup and nodded. He did really ramble, no one seemed to mind, except for Clara, she kept reminding him when he got off task. Must be the nanny in her. He looked down at her, he wondered if she kissed like the other Clara, she certainly flirted like her.

"Down boy." She said noticing his expression. She had learnt a lot of his expressions by now, not all, but enough.

"I wasn't!" He responded with a jump.

"Whatever you say chinboy."

"I wasn't. Whatever you think I was doing, I wasn't."

"Really? So you aren't standing or breathing." She tilted her head to boost the joking sarcasm.

"Shut up!"

"Someones grouchy. The grouchy chin." She laughed.

He rolled his eyes. "Hungry?"

"After all those cookies?" She raised a brow. "Kinda."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen, well, the one they usually used and showed her what he had been up to. A smile spread onto his face as she took in the food.

"I figured that since I was bored I might as well do something."

Clara looked at the piles of food. Pancakes (blueberry, banana, raspberry, plain), bacon, eggs (boiled, poached, scrambled, fried), toast,  and so many other alien breakfast foods. Her jaw would've dropped if she wasn't so in control of her emotions.

"You had this much time?" She asked noticing a souffle.

" Time machine." He reminded her.

"But I was here, sleeping, the whole time."

"Magic." He grinned. "Lets eat."


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