Favorite Ice Cream Flavor

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John Cena

Mint Chocolate Chip

Brock Lesnar

Half-Baked (B&J)

Dean Ambrose

Brownie Batter

Seth Rollins

Cookies & Cream

Roman Reigns

Cookie Dough

Randy Orton

Milk & Cookies (B&J)

Dolph Ziggler

Phish Food (B&J)

Adrian Neville

Rocky Road

I feel really bad because someone asked me to do this and I totally forget who did!

Whoever you are, speak up and I'll give you credit because I know you wanted it! x

I really want some ice cream now, gosh.

I love ice cream so much.

I really love Half-Baked ice cream!

(B&J stands for Ben & Jerry's, I wasn't sure if countries besides America had it)

Johnny Mundo, Johnny Nitro, John Morrison- doesn't matter which one, he still looks cute eating ice cream.

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