Who You Form A Team With In The Diva's Division

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John Cena

You, Cameron, & Naomi form a team. You guys don't get down, but you definitely know some dirty dancing.

Brock Lesnar

Tamina, Natalya, and you made a team to absolutely dominate the divas' division.

Dean Ambrose

You and Blue Pants create a group together. You both know how to get a crowd going with one hit.

Seth Rollins

Sasha Banks and you band together to be the group of the Bosses. You both know you're legit and know how to leave the WWE Universe wanting more.

Roman Reigns

Alexis Bliss, Nia Jax, and you start a group to dominate the diva's division on your Raw debut.

Randy Orton

Summer Rae, Amanda Saccomanno, and you start a team to be the blonde bombshells (if you aren't blonde, you dyed it).

Dolph Ziggler

Alicia Fox, Brie Bella, Becky Lynch, and you make up the team of The Sexy Four, that have more than just looks.

Adrian Neville

Charlotte and you became a high flying team, with both of you executing perfect moves, her a front-flip senton and you, a back-flip senton.

Excuse me trying to be clever.

I tend to laugh at myself trying to make these interesting.

Like I think I'm being pretty creative with these... So much I need to drift back to wrestling preferences lol ok

I can't wait until we get some tag titles! What's the point of having teams, if you can't use them?!

Plus, I'm so interested in Nia Jax, I have followed her on Twitter for the last 4 months and I have been so interested in her. I can't wait to see her wrestle!

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